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posibly, depending on the circumstances.

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Q: Can Humans regenerate Veins
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How do you regenerate veins in my body?

You cant

Can teeth regenerate?

Not in humans. Some animals and fish can regenerate their teeth.

Can humans regenerate lost body parts?


What Veins in humans which ends in capillaries and not in larger veins?

Pulmonary veins

Do veins regenerate?

You probably mean what do veins do? Anyways, they always return blood back to the heart.

What 12 veins do pigs and humans have in common?

There are four main types of veins that pigs and humans have in common. These include the pulmonary, systemic, deep, and superficial veins.

What do stem cells do in humans?

they are found in humans and in plants and they generate different cells or even regenerate a whole original organ

Do humans have veins in their tongues?

Yes you do 10 infact

How do the brachial veins of the pig differ from those of humans?

The brachial veins of the pig differ from those of humans because of the location. A pig's brachial veins are on the same path as their axillary veins directly to their forearms. Human's brachial veins are on one side of the brachial artery and generally join the axillary vein near the bottom of the Subscapularis.

Can you really regenorate like on doctor who andis it possible?

Currently humans cannot regenerate at all

Does a lobster have veins?

yes. all living animals and humans have veins. how else would their blood get around? by swimming?

Do plant have veins like human?

No. There are structures in plants that are called veins, but they work considerably differently from those in humans.