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In the United States you cannot be forced to agree but the divorce can proceed without your consent. You cannot force a person to stay married when they want to dissolve the marriage.

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Q: Can I be forced to agree to a divorce when I do not want it?
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When a wife sleeps with husband during divorce proceeding will this make the divorce null and void?

check your state laws, maybe Ps. If you want the divorce null and void ask her to agree to drop it. If you both agree, should be no problems stopping the process.

Can I file for an uncontested divorce if I have been separated over 10 years but spouse won't agree to divorce?

An uncontested divorce is when both parties agree to getting a divorce. If one party doesn't agree, this would then become a contested divorce. You may need a lawyer to handle a contested divorce. If you are able to agree, you can do a divorce without a lawyer depending on your state laws.

Can you be forced to be divorced?

If you're in the US, a judge will not force someone to stay married to you if they don't want to be married to you, so basically, yes...the court can and will grant a divorce rather you're in agreement with it or not.

Do you agree or not that divorce will be legal here in Philippines?


How do you find out if someone has filed for a divorce?

You can find out by going on the county site that your divorce was filed in. You can also call the courthouse directly and ask them

Wife abandoned me 7 yrs ago and left to Mexico How can you get a divorce from her i live in California she wont give me a divorce?

It is the court - not the wife (or husband) who grants the divorce. In most states, if one spouse files for a divorce, the court will grant the divorce (assuming there are no jurisdictional issues). She may not want a divorce, she may not agree to a divorce, but she cannot prevent you from obtaining a divorce.

What are your next steps if your divorce case was dismissed and you both agree that you do want a divorce?

Y'all need to file for divorce and both sign the divorce papers before filing them.AnswerDivorce cases are generally dismissed due to the case being inactive. You can refile and make certain you carry it through to the end.

Can a catholic be forced to divorce?

Not in any civilzed country

Is it legal to be forced to sign an agreement that you don't want to sign and will be terminated if you don't?

You cannot be forced to sign an agreement. However, in some contexts, refusing to agree could result in the termination of your employment.

Can a woman ask for the jewish divorce if the husband does not agree?

According to Jewish law, a woman can not file for divorce.

What can a man do if he want to divorce but his wife not agree?

If the other party is not ready for divorce still one can file for divorce. The divorce will be counted as contested. Where summons will be sent to the other party to appear in court. If one needs a good lawyer they can approach Siddhartha Shah & Associates for better consultancy or call on 093222 86663.

If both partys agree to a divorce how quick can this take place?

2 weeks if both partys agree