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No. The tax deduction will be on your federal income taxes instead.

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See the requirements in your state to register as a charity so yu can ask for donations

If i am in arrears can you claim children on you income taxes in the state of Louisiana?

No you are not supposed to claim if you are in arrears.

Do you have to claim a state tax refund on your federal taxes as income?

Yes. State refund must be claimed as income on your federal return.

Do you have to claim a federal refund as income?

No. But you must claim any refunds of State & local taxes that you deducted in a prior year.

Do you have to claim federal tax refund on Oregon state return?

You do not have to report any income tax refund on any tax forms, it is not income.

Can you claim sales tax on your taxes?

Yes, you can claim state and local sales taxes on your return. But in order to do so you must itemize deductions and you must not claim state and local income taxes. You're allowed to claim either state and local income taxes or state and local sales taxes, but not both.If you do claim the sales tax deduction, you can either claim the amount you actually paid (based on receipts) or the amount given to you by the IRS's Sales Tax Deduction Calculator.For a more detailed explanation of the state and local sales tax deduction, please see Deducting State Sales Tax.

Can you Claim state taxes on federal return?

Yes. And if you pay more in sales taxes than state income taxes, you can use that

How can you get dental insurance if you have no income?

If you have no income you might be able to contact the state and see if they have charity care. If you have some income but just can't afford the steep prices of traditional insurance, then check out this website.

Do you have to claim state refund on federal tax as income?

If you took the amount as a deduction as State taxes on your federal return originally (say refund is from a prior year), then getting it back now is reported as income.

In the state of new york can you claim rent paid on your income tax return?

no, unless it is for business related rent

Can the federal government take your state tax?

Not your state income tax refund. But the state may have a claim on it and they would keep the necessary amount that is owed for that purpose.