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Turbo Tax is probably the best software to use for doing your taxes by yourself online. They charge about $20 dollars for the service, and it's pretty easy.

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Q: Can I get a professional tax prep software online for a low cost?
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Related questions

Where can I get tax prep software?

You can purchase tax prep software at many places including online stores. Wal-Mart does sell good tax prep software, also Office Depot & other office supply stores.

What in the world is Pitbull tax software?

Pitbull tax software is tax prep software that is mainly used by those in the professional tax industry. It provides support for those involved in professional tax preparation.

What website offers a free tax prep software?

There are number of free tax prep software available online. You can download them to your computer for free from their websites, but keep in mind, they may only be offering free trials.

What online tax prep software is similar to Turbo Tax but free?

You can go to The TaxAct software by them is very good. It is not exactly like TurboTax but it is a very good software.

Where can I buy tax prep software for professionals?

You can buy tax prep software for professionals at They offer all sorts of tax prep software that can benefit any business or individual.

What is the best tax prep software?

The best tax prep software is one that is highly rated and also has a history of being reputable. The best tax prep software is probably from the brand TurboTax.

What are the advantages of using Act prep classes online?

Take advantage of their prep courses and practice tests. You can also go to and read through their information. They offer tutorials, tips, and software that will show you ways to get the most out of act prep.

Professional Tax Prep Software And Firewalls?

You should not take any chances with your financial information, and this is true when you are using professional tax prep software on your computer. You need to use a firewall to keep people from breaking into your computer with viruses that will copy the information on your hard drive and send it back to those who created the virus. If you do not use a firewall, they could do this to steal your identity.

Tax Prep Software For Professionals Isn't Always Necessary?

If you're trying to decide whether you should buy tax prep software or go to a tax preparer for this years return, understanding what each option will get you can help. Tax prep software for professionals does the same thing home tax software does on a larger scale, so you won't notice a huge difference in what you get from either option. A tax professional has the advantage of training that makes errors unlikely.

Where can I find the professional tax prep reviews?

There are many tax software out there. Any were from turbo tax to even H and R black to Jackson Hewitt. A lot of tax places that you would traditionally go see in person has online taxes also. I would look up and see if the tax care service you have used before has an online tax software.

Is there an ACT prep class available online?

At the link listed below you can take the ACT Prep Class online in the Kaplan Complete ACT Prep- Classroom Anywhere program. The program cost 3 installments of $166.33.

What software is favored by tax professionals?

I think that the most preferred tax prep software is probably TurboTax and Taxact. You could call a professional and ask what they use though if you wanted to get your taxes done professionally.