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Yes you actually can. Just file Form 4868 electronically.

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Q: Can I get an extension on my federal taxes after April 15th?
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When must you file your federal income tax?

You can file for federal income tax anytime before April 15th 2011, which is the last date for filing federal tax return. However, If you feel that you need more time for tax filing, then you have the option of tax extension. Tax extension grants you 6 months of extension for tax filing but that does not mean you get an extension on payment of taxes. You have to pay your taxes before April 15th deadline.

When are Income taxes are due by?

April 15th is when yearly taxes are due. although an extension can be filed

When are the 2013 taxes due?

The 2013 tax deadline to file individual returns, or to request an extension, is April 15th, 2013. Payment on these taxes is also due by April 15th.

What date must you file your state and federal taxes by?

April 15th

Do i have to file my taxes by april 15 if i am due a refund?

You need to file by April 15th if you are due refund. However, you can ask for an extension.

What does filing for a tax extension do?

Filing an extension with the local or federal government allows the tax payer to "extend" the amount of time that is permitted to pay the taxes owed to the government.In the US of A, April 15th is the standard deadline date that taxes need to be turned in.Filing an extension will allow the tax payer to put off that deadline to a later date.

When is the last day to file federal income taxes?

The last day to file federal income taxes is typically April 15th. However, if this date falls on a weekend or holiday, the deadline may be extended to the next business day. It's important to check the current year's tax filing deadline to be certain.

Why must you file your taxes on April 15th?

it is necessary that you file your taxes by April 15th because that is the last date kept by the IRS for tax filing and if you don't by the due date, then you will be levied with heavy penalties which I'm sure you wouldn't want to pay. However, there is another solution to not filing for taxes by April 15th. If you don't have time for filing taxes you can file for a tax extension. Tax extension grants you automatic 6 months extension on filing for your tax returns. However, it does not mean that you don't pay up. Nowadays e-filing is so easier and you got many IRS providers online for easy extension services.

When is the 2009 federal income tax due date?

April 15th falls midweek in 2009 and as such that is the deadline to pay Federal taxes in the U.S.

When is the Roth IRA deadline?

The Roth IRA deadline is the time you must have your federal taxes completed by, for the previous year. This year this deadline falls on April 15th, meaning you must have 2013's taxes completed by April 15th 2014.

Can I wait until after April 15th to file my income taxes online?

You would need to file an extension if you wish to file your taxes after April 15th. But not everyone is eligible to do so. It would more pertain to people who are overseas in the military or if you are in a disaster area that was hit by mother nature.

When is the last day that you can send in federal income taxes?

The official deadline for 2012 was April 17th. If you applied for an extension, the deadline is October 15th. You can send your return even after that, but you can only get a refund up to 3 years after the filing deadline.