

Can I get my skeleton replaced with titanium bones yet?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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16y ago

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A piece at a time, maybe; have your joints replaced with their latest Titanium substitute and by the time you're done with that, the rest of your skeleton may be available.

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Q: Can I get my skeleton replaced with titanium bones yet?
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babes have 300 bones and we have 206 thats weird no its not its cool babes have more bones because there bones have not come together yet havnt you notice that babes have soft spots in there heads. Will because there bones havnt come together (YET)

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Two questions here!1The word is herbivore.2One function of the human skeleton is support, because without a skeleton we would be an inelegant heap of soft tissues on the ground! Another is movement, because many of our muscles are attached to bones, and the joints between bones also help us move.Bones also give protection to some parts of the body: for example, the rib cage, breastbone, and backbone between them protect the heart and other chest organs. Yet another function (true of long bones) is production of red blood cells. This happens in the bone marrow in the center of the bone.