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Are crackers liquid? Of course not.

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Q: Can I have crackers with a full liquid diet?
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Can a Full Liquid Diet Really Work?

A full liquid diet can be a great plan to lose a lot of weight in a short amount of time, but as a long term solution it's not really all that great. Your body does need some real protein and fiber and doing nothing but juicing for a year can be dangerous if you don't talk to your doctor first. That said, as a short term solution and as a way to kick start a weight loss plan, a full liquid diet can be incredibly effective.

You are on a low-sugar diet are crackers good for you?

For each type of crackers read attentively the nutritional values; avoid especially crackers with sugar or other mono and disaccharides content.

How long should you go on a liquid diet?

How long should u be on a liquid diet

What does a clear liquid diet consist of?

Liquid diets are normally done over short periods of time as opposed to a long term diet. They consist of plant based diet that includes juices and vegetable broths. Weight loss is often a goal and feature of a liquid diet.

What is the full form of DIET?

full form of diet

Is it safe for a teenager to go on an all liquid diet?

No, an all liquid diet is harmful to the body

What is meant by liquid diet recipes?

Liquid diet recipes are recipes for people who are on a liquid diet. A liquid diet is a diet in which a person only consumes liquids, or fluids, such as water and juice. Many people on liquid diets use recipes for making juices and smoothies at home using fresh vegetable and fruits to ensure that they are getting proper nutrition.

Do full liquid diets work effectively?

Liquid diets may work in the short run to rid the body of toxins, but this is not a long-term solution. Chances are high that any weight lost on a liquid diet will quickly be regained.

What would make a diet of pineapple juice and cheese crackers balanced?

This is far too restricted to use even as a basis for a sensible diet.

Is saltine crackers solid liquid or gas?

Saltine crackers are solids. Solids have a definite shape and volume, and maintain their shape under normal conditions.

Do parakeet eat crackers?

It is perfectly safe to feed ducks crackers of any kind. However do not overindulge them or they will get used to them and refuse to eat foods from their regular diet. HEM.

What is the change from liquid to solid diet?

the liquid to solid evolution