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no, im sorry to say it but there is no way to enter unless you have a doll (or someone whos really nice and just gives their code to you )

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Q: Can I play Innerstar University without having to buy a doll?
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Related questions

What is a code for innerstar university?

the codes are so you can play at innerstar University. if u dont have one from your doll you cant play!

How do you make an innerstar university without an American girl doll?

Well you can click on the play for free and you get to see what it is like. But you can not play for real until you get a new American doll just like you.

Where is the star code on American girl dolls?

On a innerstar U American girl doll.

Can you get innerstar U outfits if you don't have a innerstar U doll?

no, but can use one from a book

What are the names of the innerstar university American girl doll guides?


Can you give me an American girl innerstar university code?

American girl would go completely against that, your going to have to get a new doll.

Can you get an American girl innerstar you guide without a new doll?

No you can but if your friend has a american girl doll or anyone you know have one and they have a code that there not using just ask them ?

What are the innerstar you doll codes for dolls with black-brown hair?

I don't have a doll codes

What innerstar code?

When you purchase a my american girl doll you will instantly receive a star code and doll code. Then you enter it at innerstar

What is the doll code to innerstar American girl?

You receive a code when you purchase a "My American Girl" doll.

Where to find the American doll star code?

The InnerStar U code comes with a new MyAG doll.

How do you get your starcode back from innerstar unuviresty when you lost it?

just get a new doll