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Taking the pill every other day is most likely going to cause breakthrough bleeding. You should ask your doctor about skipping the "inactive" sugar pills and starting the new packet, the day after finishing the last active pill. This is the way pills are taken to delay your period and will also continue to prevent pregnancy should you become sexually active.

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Q: Can I take my birth control pills every other day to delay my period I am on vacation for a month and am not sexually active but I don't want to get my period now?
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Well...yes if You already started You period b4 and You r now sexually active then it is possible to get pregnant!

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If you have reached puberty, have had your first period, and are sexually active, then yes. However, you should not be sexually active at this age and much less be preoccupied about possible pregnancy.

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Once a girl has begun to menstruate (get her period), then she is able to have a baby and become sexually active.

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A woman can get pregnant before, during and after her period.

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If you're sexually active you should always practice safer sex by using a condom - menstruation or not makes no difference here. You should also always use birth control to prevent unwanted pregnancy, condoms are a form of birth control too. If considering becoming sexually active it's important to learn more about safer sex and birth control.

If you become sexually active can your period change?

It's only natural for any woman to have changes in their periods when they become sexually active and when you stop using any birth control. If you go to your gp get blood tests done and regular smears you will be fine. Regular sex doe's change thing's if you never been in a serious relationship. Your period changes every month.

What does it mean if you have your period every other month and you are not sexually active?

It means ur Lonly

Is it normal for a girl to restart her period after not having been sexually active for a while?

why wouldn't it be