

Can I use anything to help me avoid flea bites?

Updated: 9/17/2019
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11y ago

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You can buy over the counter flea repellents that come in a spray or in a cream. There is also natural remedies such as garlic and also applying apple cider vinegar over the whole body.

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Q: Can I use anything to help me avoid flea bites?
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Read the directions first, but a flea powder or flea collar would help.

Skin flea bites how can you treat when they get bad?

Flea bites tend to become itchy and red. You could put anything on them you would use to relieve those symptoms such as afterbite. Even some regular lotion may soothe the itch but they usually don't last too long and will be gone before you know it.

Can you get rid of fleas?

Yes. While you may never get rid of all the fleas in all life cycles you can do many things that will help you rid your home of fleas. Adult fleas are the only stage of flea that bites and sucks blood. If you have pets in your home, treat them first with Advantage or Frontline, some type of medical flea deterrent applied to the skin. Frequently bathe your pet in warm soapy water. You can use flea shampoo but follow directions and be careful with this. You should vacuum your carpet several times a week, paying attention to corners. this will kill the larvae and ovum stages of the flea. Pet bedding and human bedding such as sheets in hot water and dry in the dryer. This will kill all flea stages on your bedding. You can use home flea sprays on carpets and bedding but be careful as some of these are very toxic. Follow directions to the letter to avoid toxic exposure. Do not inhale flea sprays or treatments.

Can dogs have allergies to flea bites?

They absolutely can! Veterinarians call this "flea bite dermatitis". In this type of condition, the saliva of the flea causes an allergic reaction in the dog. This is quite common, and can result in a dog feeling quite uncomfortable and itchy. The best solution? Using flea products from your veterinarian, including advantage or revolution. Flea medications purchased from pet stores are less effective and less controlled. Certain flea medications from your veterinarian (such as Advantage) can kill the flea on contact, so the flea doesn't even need to bite the animal to die. Other medications kill when the flea feeds, but prevents full-blown flea problems by killing adult fleas and flea larva. For dogs that have this condition, it is beneficial to keep the dogs on these types of medications whenever they are at high risk to getting fleas. Since dogs can get fleas all year round, some owners may choose to keep their pets on a flea control throughout year. Nutrition and supplements that help to maintain healthy skin and coat can also be used to reduce the symptoms.

Does alcohol help with bug bites?

Yes. Dab some rubbing alcohol on mosquito bites and it will reduce the itching.

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Does hot chocolate help cure mosquito bites?

No, it does not. Mosquito bites cannot be cured by anything you drink or eat. Fortunately, there are some medicines you can put on a bite so that it does not itch as much, and unless the mosquito was carrying some disease, the bite itself will gradually cease to bother you.

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Avoid mosquito bites?

There are special types of candles called Citronella candles and those are supposed to help there is also mosquito spray that you can spray on yourself so that mosquitoes can't bite you and an interesting fact mosquitoes are attracted to the color blue so try to avoid wearing that color