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Unfortunately, car stero cassette decks can only play back tapes.

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Q: Can I use my car stereo cassette deck to record, or just play tapes?
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Related questions

What is a Cassette Decks?

A cassette deck is a device used to play and record cassette tapes.

Who makes the best duel cassette deck for copying tapes?

Pioneer makes the best duel cassette deck for copying tapes

Will the Pyle PT649D Cassette Deck doub comercial tapes?

All commercial tapes can be dubbed, and the Pyle will do a good job of that.

Can I have a cassette deck installed into my car stereo?

Yes,they're widely available.JVC sells a model that plays mp3s,cds and cassette so you can play most of your collection on it.

Does the Pyle PT649D Cassette Deck record true?

The Pyle can record, and can do it with reasonable quality.

How many tapes can a cassette deck usually hold?

2. They're not designed to hold no more than 2.

Is there different sized tapes to use with a cassette deck, or is there one standard size?

There are only two tapes, standard and mini, which are only used in answering machines and the like.

What is a tape deck?

an electronic item that plays cassette tapes. A "tape deck" is a device used to play cassette or 8-track tapes. They are fairly obsolete now, but until CDs became the rage, tapes were used regularly. There were also 4 track tape decks. Magnovox was a leader in producing tape decks. You would get them installed in your car just as you would CD players.

What's the best cassette deck for a church to record services with?

The Sony TCM-400DV Pressman Standard Cassette Recorder is great for church

Which stereo system supplies both turntable and cassette deck capability with modern digital technology?

The best stereo system which supplies both turntable and cassette deck capability with modern digital technology would definitly have to be the Crosley Songwriter 4-in-1 Turntable System with CD Recorder , which records from turntable and cassette to cd . This product is definitly worth the money but is a little on the pricier side .

What do you use a cassette deck for?

A cassette tape was the standard of audio recording through the 1980's and 1990's mainly. Before then, there were 8-tracks and reel-to-reel tape for which people could record with, but the cassette market dominated it. So, basically, it was used as a music medium, and to make amatuer recordings.

Which cassette deck has USB?

ION TAPE2PC Dual cassette deck has usb on it.