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Technically yes, but how do you know it is true India ink...Many inks used for drafting and such have 'fast dryers' in them to cause the ink to dry without blotting...These 'fast dryers' are know to have abrasive chemicals in them that do not set well in the skin without reactions....

Also many less than honest vendors will label a permanent ink as India ink just because it is somewhat permanent....And, if you see a colored ink set that is labeled 'India' ink, it is a sham and a lie....Black is the only shade of real India ink...Hope this helps..

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12y ago
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11y ago

No. India ink is specifically a black ink.

It's not a great idea to use it for tattoos, either, because they're not normally manufactured to medical standards; you should use a tattoo ink specifically designed for the purpose (or, even better plan, have your tattoo professionally done, where you can get just about any color you want).

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14y ago

Yes they do. You just have to look for them. Try this link:

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12y ago

India ink is a brownish black... For Sepia at least, no india ink is truly black (sucks right?).

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What kind of ink is used to make money?

The Governments keep it a secret, different countries have different inks. I know, this answer seems useless.

Is waterproof ink the same as Indian ink?

If you mean India ink, the answer is no. India ink in made with carbon black and is not inherently waterproof. It must be made waterproof the same way other inks are made waterproof, by the addition of certain chemicals and compounds.

What is the relationship between intensity and the loudness of sound?

Sound intensity or acoustic intensity can be calculated from the objective measurement of the sound pressure. The loudness is a psycho-acoustic subjective feeling, which is difficult to measure.

How many words can be made with the letters n r k n a a e h g h y i s y you h?

You can make 1045 words. 1. AA 2. AE 3. AG 4. AH 5. AI 6. AN 7. AR 8. AS 9. AY 10. EH 11. EN 12. ER 13. ES 14. HA 15. HE 16. HI 17. IN 18. IS 19. KA 20. NA 21. NE 22. NU 23. RE 24. SH 25. SI 26. UH 27. UN 28. US 29. YA 30. YE 31. AAH 32. AAS 33. AGA 34. AGE 35. AHA 36. AIN 37. AIR 38. AIS 39. ANA 40. ANE 41. ANI 42. ANY 43. ARE 44. ARK 45. ARS 46. ASH 47. ASK 48. AUK 49. AYE 50. AYS 51. EAR 52. EAU 53. ENG 54. ENS 55. ERA 56. ERG 57. ERN 58. ERS 59. GAE 60. GAN 61. GAR 62. GAS 63. GAY 64. GEN 65. GEY 66. GHI 67. GIE 68. GIN 69. GNU 70. GUN 71. GUY 72. HAE 73. HAG 74. HAH 75. HAS 76. HAY 77. HEH 78. HEN 79. HER 80. HES 81. HEY 82. HIE 83. HIN 84. HIS 85. HUE 86. HUG 87. HUH 88. HUN 89. INK 90. INN 91. INS 92. IRE 93. IRK 94. KAE 95. KAS 96. KAY 97. KEA 98. KEG 99. KEN 100. KEY 101. KHI 102. KIN 103. KIR 104. KUE 105. NAE 106. NAG 107. NAH 108. NAN 109. NAY 110. NUN 111. NUS 112. RAG 113. RAH 114. RAN 115. RAS 116. RAY 117. REG 118. REI 119. RES 120. RIA 121. RIG 122. RIN 123. RUE 124. RUG 125. RUN 126. RYA 127. RYE 128. SAE 129. SAG 130. SAU 131. SAY 132. SEA 133. SEG 134. SEI 135. SEN 136. SER 137. SHA 138. SHE 139. SHH 140. SHY 141. SIN 142. SIR 143. SKA 144. SKI 145. SKY 146. SRI 147. SUE 148. SUN 149. SYN 150. UGH 151. UKE 152. UNS 153. URN 154. USE 155. YAH 156. YAK 157. YAR 158. YAY 159. YEA 160. YEH 161. YEN 162. YES 163. YIN 164. YUK 165. AAHS 166. AERY 167. AGAR 168. AGAS 169. AGER 170. AGES 171. AGHA 172. AGIN 173. AGUE 174. AINS 175. AIRN 176. AIRS 177. AIRY 178. AKIN 179. ANAS 180. ANES 181. ANGA 182. ANIS 183. ANKH 184. ANNA 185. ANSA 186. ANUS 187. ARAK 188. AREA 189. ARES 190. ARIA 191. ARKS 192. ARSE 193. ASEA 194. ASHY 195. AUKS 196. AURA 197. AYAH 198. AYES 199. AYIN 200. EARN 201. EARS 202. EASY 203. EGIS 204. ENGS 205. ERAS 206. ERGS 207. ERNS 208. EYAS 209. EYRA 210. EYRY 211. GAEN 212. GAES 213. GAIN 214. GANE 215. GARS 216. GASH 217. GAUN 218. GAUR 219. GAYS 220. GEAR 221. GENS 222. GENU 223. GHIS 224. GIEN 225. GIES 226. GINK 227. GINS 228. GIRN 229. GNAR 230. GNUS 231. GRAN 232. GRAY 233. GREY 234. GRIN 235. GRUE 236. GUAN 237. GUAR 238. GUNK 239. GUNS 240. GUSH 241. GUYS 242. GYRE 243. GYRI 244. HAAR 245. HAEN 246. HAES 247. HAGS 248. HAHA 249. HAHS 250. HAIK 251. HAIR 252. HAKE 253. HANG 254. HANK 255. HARE 256. HARK 257. HASH 258. HAYS 259. HEAR 260. HEHS 261. HEIR 262. HENS 263. HERN 264. HERS 265. HIES 266. HIGH 267. HIKE 268. HINS 269. HIRE 270. HISN 271. HUES 272. HUGE 273. HUGS 274. HUNG 275. HUNH 276. HUNK 277. HUNS 278. HUSH 279. HUSK 280. INKS 281. INKY 282. INNS 283. IRES 284. IRKS 285. KAAS 286. KAES 287. KAGU 288. KAIN 289. KANA 290. KANE 291. KARN 292. KAYS 293. KEAS 294. KEGS 295. KEIR 296. KENS 297. KERN 298. KEYS 299. KHAN 300. KHIS 301. KIER 302. KINA 303. KINE 304. KING 305. KINS 306. KIRN 307. KIRS 308. KNAR 309. KNUR 310. KRIS 311. KUES 312. KYAR 313. NAAN 314. NAGS 315. NANA 316. NANS 317. NARK 318. NARY 319. NAYS 320. NEAR 321. NEUK 322. NIGH 323. NINE 324. NUKE 325. NUNS 326. RAGA 327. RAGE 328. RAGI 329. RAGS 330. RAIA 331. RAIN 332. RAKE 333. RAKI 334. RANG 335. RANI 336. RANK 337. RASE 338. RASH 339. RAYA 340. RAYS 341. REGS 342. REIN 343. REIS 344. RESH 345. RHEA 346. RHUS 347. RIAS 348. RIGS 349. RING 350. RINK 351. RINS 352. RISE 353. RISK 354. RUES 355. RUGA 356. RUGS 357. RUIN 358. RUNE 359. RUNG 360. RUNS 361. RUSE 362. RUSH 363. RUSK 364. RYAS 365. RYES 366. RYKE 367. SAGA 368. SAGE 369. SAGY 370. SAIN 371. SAKE 372. SAKI 373. SANE 374. SANG 375. SANK 376. SARI 377. SARK 378. SEAR 379. SERA 380. SHAG 381. SHAH 382. SHAY 383. SHEA 384. SHIN 385. SHRI 386. SHUN 387. SIGH 388. SIGN 389. SIKE 390. SINE 391. SING 392. SINH 393. SINK 394. SIRE 395. SKAG 396. SKEG 397. SKIN 398. SKUA 399. SNAG 400. SNUG 401. SNYE 402. SUER 403. SUGH 404. SUNG 405. SUNK 406. SUNN 407. SURA 408. SURE 409. SYKE 410. SYNE 411. UGHS 412. UKES 413. UNAI 414. UREA 415. URGE 416. URNS 417. URSA 418. USER 419. YAGI 420. YAKS 421. YANG 422. YANK 423. YARE 424. YARN 425. YAYS 426. YEAH 427. YEAN 428. YEAR 429. YEAS 430. YENS 431. YERK 432. YEUK 433. YINS 434. YUAN 435. YUGA 436. YUKS 437. AARGH 438. AEGIS 439. AGAIN 440. AGARS 441. AGERS 442. AGHAS 443. AGRIA 444. AGUES 445. AIRNS 446. ANEAR 447. ANGAS 448. ANGER 449. ANGRY 450. ANISE 451. ANKHS 452. ANKUS 453. ANNAS 454. ANSAE 455. ARAKS 456. AREAS 457. ARENA 458. ARGUE 459. ARGUS 460. ARIAS 461. ARISE 462. ASHEN 463. ASKER 464. AUGER 465. AURAE 466. AURAS 467. AUREI 468. AURES 469. AURIS 470. AYAHS 471. AYINS 472. EARNS 473. EKING 474. ENNUI 475. ENSKY 476. ESKAR 477. EYING 478. EYRAS 479. GAINS 480. GARNI 481. GAURS 482. GAYER 483. GEARS 484. GENUA 485. GENUS 486. GERAH 487. GINKS 488. GINNY 489. GIRNS 490. GIRSH 491. GNARS 492. GNASH 493. GRAIN 494. GRANA 495. GRANS 496. GRAYS 497. GREYS 498. GRINS 499. GRUES 500. GUANS 501. GUARS 502. GUISE 503. GUNKS 504. GUNKY 505. GUNNY 506. GURSH 507. GUSHY 508. GYRES 509. GYRUS 510. HAARS 511. HAHAS 512. HAIKA 513. HAIKS 514. HAIKU 515. HAIRS 516. HAIRY 517. HAKES 518. HANGS 519. HANKS 520. HANKY 521. HANSA 522. HANSE 523. HARES 524. HARKS 525. HARSH 526. HAUGH 527. HAYER 528. HEARS 529. HEIGH 530. HEIRS 531. HENNA 532. HENRY 533. HERNS 534. HEUGH 535. HIGHS 536. HIKER 537. HIKES 538. HINGE 539. HINNY 540. HIRES 541. HUGER 542. HUNKS 543. HUNKY 544. HUSKY 545. HYENA 546. HYING 547. INANE 548. INKER 549. INNER 550. INURE 551. INURN 552. KAGUS 553. KAINS 554. KANAS 555. KANES 556. KARNS 557. KASHA 558. KAURI 559. KAURY 560. KEIRS 561. KERNS 562. KHANS 563. KIANG 564. KIERS 565. KINAS 566. KINES 567. KINGS 568. KIRNS 569. KNARS 570. KNAUR 571. KNISH 572. KNURS 573. KYARS 574. KYRIE 575. NAANS 576. NAIRA 577. NANAS 578. NARES 579. NARIS 580. NARKS 581. NARKY 582. NEARS 583. NEGUS 584. NEIGH 585. NEUKS 586. NIGHS 587. NINES 588. NUKES 589. NURSE 590. RAGAS 591. RAGES 592. RAGIS 593. RAIAS 594. RAINS 595. RAINY 596. RAISE 597. RAKES 598. RAKIS 599. RANGE 600. RANGY 601. RANIS 602. RANKS 603. RAYAH 604. RAYAS 605. REGNA 606. REIGN 607. REINK 608. REINS 609. RENIG 610. RENIN 611. RESAY 612. RESIN 613. RHEAS 614. RINGS 615. RINKS 616. RINSE 617. RISEN 618. RISKY 619. RUANA 620. RUGAE 621. RUING 622. RUINS 623. RUNES 624. RUNGS 625. RUNNY 626. RUSHY 627. RYKES 628. SAGER 629. SAIGA 630. SAKER 631. SANER 632. SANGA 633. SANGH 634. SARAN 635. SARGE 636. SARIN 637. SARKY 638. SAUGH 639. SAUNA 640. SAURY 641. SAYER 642. SEGNI 643. SENGI 644. SENNA 645. SERAI 646. SERIN 647. SHAKE 648. SHAKY 649. SHANK 650. SHARE 651. SHARK 652. SHARN 653. SHEAR 654. SHEIK 655. SHIER 656. SHINE 657. SHINY 658. SHIRE 659. SHIRK 660. SHRUG 661. SHYER 662. SIEUR 663. SIKER 664. SINGE 665. SIREN 666. SKEAN 667. SKEIN 668. SKIER 669. SKIEY 670. SKYEY 671. SNAKE 672. SNAKY 673. SNARE 674. SNARK 675. SNEAK 676. SUGAR 677. SUING 678. SUNNA 679. SUNNY 680. SURAH 681. SURGE 682. SURGY 683. SYREN 684. UKASE 685. UNAIS 686. UNARY 687. UNRIG 688. UNSAY 689. URAEI 690. URASE 691. UREAS 692. URGES 693. URINE 694. URSAE 695. USAGE 696. USHER 697. USING 698. USNEA 699. YAGER 700. YAGIS 701. YANGS 702. YANKS 703. YARNS 704. YEANS 705. YEARN 706. YEARS 707. YERKS 708. YEUKS 709. YEUKY 710. YIKES 711. YUANS 712. YUGAS 713. AAHING 714. AGRIAS 715. AGUISH 716. ANANKE 717. ANEARS 718. ANERGY 719. ANGARY 720. ANGERS 721. ANGINA 722. ANKUSH 723. ANURAN 724. ANURIA 725. ARENAS 726. ARGUES 727. ARISEN 728. ARSHIN 729. ARSINE 730. ASHIER 731. ASHING 732. ASKING 733. AUGERS 734. EARING 735. EASING 736. ENNUIS 737. ENSIGN 738. GAINER 739. GARISH 740. GASHER 741. GASKIN 742. GEISHA 743. GENIUS 744. GERAHS 745. GINNER 746. GRAINS 747. GRAINY 748. GRANNY 749. GREASY 750. GUANAY 751. GUANIN 752. GUINEA 753. GUNNER 754. GURNEY 755. GUSHER 756. GYRASE 757. HAEING 758. HANGAR 759. HANGER 760. HANKER 761. HANKIE 762. HARING 763. HARKEN 764. HAUGHS 765. HAUSEN 766. HAYERS 767. HAYING 768. HEGARI 769. HEGIRA 770. HENNAS 771. HENRYS 772. HERNIA 773. HEUGHS 774. HIGHER 775. HIKERS 776. HINGER 777. HINGES 778. HUNGER 779. HUNGRY 780. HUNKER 781. HUSKER 782. HYAENA 783. HYENAS 784. IGUANA 785. INANER 786. INANES 787. INKERS 788. INNERS 789. INRUSH 790. INSANE 791. INSURE 792. INURES 793. INURNS 794. KAHUNA 795. KAISER 796. KASHER 797. KAURIS 798. KEYING 799. KIANGS 800. KIAUGH 801. KINASE 802. KNAURS 803. KURGAN 804. KYRIES 805. NARINE 806. NAUSEA 807. NEIGHS 808. NIGHER 809. NUKING 810. RAKING 811. RAKISH 812. RANGES 813. RASING 814. RAYAHS 815. RAYING 816. REAGIN 817. REGAIN 818. REGINA 819. REGIUS 820. REHANG 821. REHASH 822. REHUNG 823. REIGNS 824. REINKS 825. RENIGS 826. RENINS 827. RESIGN 828. RESINY 829. RUANAS 830. RUSINE 831. RYKING 832. SAGIER 833. SANGAR 834. SANGER 835. SANING 836. SAUGER 837. SAUGHY 838. SAYING 839. SENARY 840. SENRYU 841. SERING 842. SHAIRN 843. SHAKEN 844. SHAKER 845. SHANNY 846. SHARNY 847. SHAUGH 848. SHEIKH 849. SHEUGH 850. SHIKAR 851. SHINER 852. SHINNY 853. SHRANK 854. SHRIEK 855. SHRIKE 856. SHRINE 857. SHRINK 858. SHRUNK 859. SHYING 860. SIENNA 861. SIGHER 862. SIGNER 863. SINGER 864. SINKER 865. SINNER 866. SKEIGH 867. SKINNY 868. SKYING 869. SNAKEY 870. SNARKY 871. SNEAKY 872. SUGARY 873. SUNKEN 874. SUNNAH 875. SYNURA 876. UNAKIN 877. UNEASY 878. UNHAIR 879. UNHANG 880. UNRIGS 881. URANIA 882. URINES 883. URSINE 884. YAGERS 885. YEARNS 886. AGINNER 887. ANANKES 888. ANERGIA 889. ANEURIN 890. ANGINAS 891. ANGUINE 892. ANGUISH 893. ANHINGA 894. ANURANS 895. ANURIAS 896. EARINGS 897. EARNING 898. ENGRAIN 899. ENSUING 900. ENURING 901. ERASING 902. GAINERS 903. GAINSAY 904. GARNISH 905. GHERKIN 906. GINNERS 907. GRANNIE 908. GRAYISH 909. GREYISH 910. GRUSHIE 911. GUANASE 912. GUANAYS 913. GUANINE 914. GUANINS 915. GUARANI 916. GUINEAS 917. GUNNERS 918. GUNNERY 919. GUNNIES 920. GURNEYS 921. GUSHIER 922. HANGARS 923. HANGERS 924. HANKERS 925. HANKIES 926. HANKING 927. HARKENS 928. HARKING 929. HARSHEN 930. HASHING 931. HAYINGS 932. HEARING 933. HEARSAY 934. HEGARIS 935. HEGIRAS 936. HERNIAS 937. HINGERS 938. HUNGERS 939. HUNKERS 940. HUNKIER 941. HUNKIES 942. HUNNISH 943. HUSHING 944. HUSKIER 945. HUSKING 946. HYAENAS 947. IGUANAS 948. INSANER 949. INSNARE 950. KAHUNAS 951. KAURIES 952. KERNING 953. KIAUGHS 954. KURGANS 955. KYANISE 956. NARKING 957. NEARING 958. NURSING 959. RANKING 960. RANKISH 961. REAGINS 962. REGAINS 963. REGINAS 964. REHANGS 965. REUSING 966. RUSHING 967. SANGRIA 968. SAURIAN 969. SEARING 970. SERINGA 971. SHAKIER 972. SHAKING 973. SHARING 974. SHINNEY 975. SHRIEKY 976. SHUNNER 977. SINKAGE 978. SKINNER 979. SKREIGH 980. SNAKIER 981. SNAKING 982. SNARING 983. SUNNIER 984. SYNERGY 985. SYNURAE 986. SYRINGA 987. SYRINGE 988. UNHAIRS 989. UNHANGS 990. UNHINGE 991. UNRISEN 992. URANIAS 993. YANKING 994. YARNING 995. YEANING 996. YERKING 997. YEUKING 998. AGINNERS 999. ANEARING 1000. ANERGIAS 1001. ANEURINS 1002. ANGARIES 1003. ANHINGAS 1004. ARGINASE 1005. EARNINGS 1006. ENGRAINS 1007. ENSKYING 1008. ENSURING 1009. GHERKINS 1010. GRANNIES 1011. GUANINES 1012. GUARANIS 1013. HARANGUE 1014. HEARINGS 1015. HEARSING 1016. NAYSAYER 1017. RANKINGS 1018. RESAYING 1019. SANGUINE 1020. SHANGHAI 1021. SHANKING 1022. SHARKING 1023. SHEARING 1024. SHINNERY 1025. SHRUNKEN 1026. SNEAKING 1027. SYNERGIA 1028. UNHINGES 1029. UNSAYING 1030. UNSHAKEN 1031. USHERING 1032. YEARNING 1033. GAINSAYER 1034. GUARANIES 1035. HANKERING 1036. HARANGUES 1037. HARKENING 1038. HUNKERING 1039. KASHERING 1040. REHASHING 1041. SHRINKAGE 1042. YEARNINGS 1043. HARSHENING 1044. SANGUINARY 1045. SHANGHAIER

Related questions

Can you use ink toner for tattoos?

Color toners get their color from metals that are incorporated into them These metals can be toxic if they get into the body. Therefore toner should not be used for tattoos. Use inks that have been developed for tatooing and that do not include toxic components.

Are tattoos and permanent makeup inks really safe?

Tattoos and permanent makeup inks are not safe. They're made up of harsh ingredients that can cause long-term damage to the skin, such as pigments, solvents, and dyes. There is also a risk of infection because the needles used for tattooing may be contaminated with bacteria from previous clients.

What is the ink used by president of India for writing?

Tirupati Inks,

How do you change your font color on hogwarts extreme?

You have to buy different colored quills and inks from various stores mainly in Hogsmeade, or you can get them from other users.

What color inks make brown?

Black and white makes brown

How do different color inks separate?

It depends wich colour ink you'll get. If you have black for example, it is made up from red, green, blue and yellow inks. Because there is so many colours they can't reflect through White so you end up with black.

Does printing waste color inks?

Yes depending on the printer make and model.

What is a color cartridge?

An ink cartridge for a printer which contains coloured inks for that printer.

What tattoo inks make the garnet color?

There are several brands of ink on the market, and lots of different colors to choose from. I personally use Eternal and Intenze inks, and there are a huge assortment of reds in the sets, and if none are exactly right, then a good tattoo artist should be able to use color theory to figure out exactly what mixes should be used.

How does strip thermometer works?

if you are talking about the strips that you put on your forehead it isn't an LCD strip instead there are different thermochromic inks applied to different parts of the strip. when heat is applied to the inks they change colour and with the use of different inks, they change colour at different temperatures because of this, you can see your temperature (: help much?

How does LCD strip thermometers work?

if you are talking about the strips that you put on your forehead it isn't an LCD strip instead there are different thermochromic inks applied to different parts of the strip. when heat is applied to the inks they change colour and with the use of different inks, they change colour at different temperatures because of this, you can see your temperature (: help much?

Do inks contain a single dye or a mixture?

That would depend on the colour (color) of the ink.