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Q: Can Isostatic adjustments occur as a result of the erosion of mountain ranges?
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Related questions

How does erosion and deposition affect mountain ranges?

Deposition and erosion can wear down a mountain and cause it to shrink.

What causes mountain ranges to lose elevation over time?

Erosion does, especially erosion from glaciers.

How has erosion shaped formerly large mountain ranges like the Appalachian mountain range?

it has eroded the peaks

What geological force shaped Mexico?

high mountain ranges shaped by erosion

What Causes of mountain ranges destruction?

Erosion by wind, rain, frost and ice.

When looking at 2 mountain ranges how can you tell which is older?

Older mountain ranges are usually lower and more rounded due to erosion. For example, the Himalayas are a relatively new mountain range, while the Appalachians are much older.

How did suess explain the formation of mountain ranges?

Dr. Seuss did not explain the formation of mountain ranges. He was a children's author and illustrator known for his whimsical stories and imaginative characters, not for scientific explanations. Geologists study processes like tectonic plate movements and erosion to explain the formation of mountain ranges.

How can erosion change the earth's surface?

Mountain ranges we see today are only a fragment of what they were like before erosion over million of years reduced them to their present form.

Why do mountain streams have V-shaped valleys?

Moving water causes valleys to have a V shape. In mountain ranges, rivers have steep gradients so their is no additional erosion to the mountain shape.

How is a coastal plain created?

From the weathering, erosion, and subsequent deposition of sediments from inland mountain ranges as they make their way to the sea.

What are the important mountain ranges?

what is importance of mountain ranges

Mountain of this age has steep sides with sharp jagged peaks and narrow valleys?

A young mountain has steep sides. It also has sharp jagged peaks and narrow valleys. Older mountains are more rounded.