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Jehovah's Witnesses consider our meetings to be our spiritual lifeline. We need our meetings to help keep us spiritually fed. The Bible at Hebrews 10::24,25 says to not forsake the gathering of ourselves together, and urges us to meet together for the purpose of building each other up and to be built up as we look forward to the day when all of God's promises will be fulfilled. Having said that, Jehovah's Witnesses realize that there are occasions when we must miss a meeting. We get sick. There may be family obligations. There may be an unexpected event that may cause us to miss a meeting. Things happen. For the most part, however, we do all that we can to be at all of our meetings. Interestingly, all of the meetings of Jehovah's Witnesses worldwide follow the same program. In other words, all of us are doing the same lessons, the same Bible reading schedule, etc, during the same week. Meaning that if a person misses a meeting, often there is another one in the area at a different time and/or different day of the week that the person can go to in order to still get what they missed. We also often do this while traveling or vacationing in another area. Even when visiting a country where we do not speak the language, there are often meetings being conducted in our own language that we can atttend.

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