

Jehovah's Witnesses

Jehovah’s Witnesses is a religious group founded in the United States and formed by Pastor Charles Taze Russell in 1870. Its non-Trinitarian belief distinguishes it from mainstream Christianity. The group is famous for their door-to-door preaching.

2,087 Questions

What did people look like 2000 years ago?

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People 2000 years ago likely appeared similar to modern humans, but with differences in clothing styles, hairstyles, and cultural practices. They would have had varying skin tones, hair colors, and facial features depending on their geographic location and ethnicity. Additionally, dental health may have been poorer due to a lack of modern oral hygiene practices.

Can a Jehovah's Witness go to watch fireworks?

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It would depend on the individual's personal beliefs and how they interpret religious teachings. Some Jehovah's Witnesses may avoid fireworks as they are associated with celebrations that they do not participate in due to religious reasons, such as holidays or nationalistic events.

What are Jehovah's Witnesses views on cheating?

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Jehovah's Witnesses believe that cheating, in any form, is morally wrong and goes against their teachings from the Bible. They believe in honesty, integrity, and living a life in accordance with their faith, which includes being faithful in personal relationships. Cheating is seen as a violation of trust and against the principles of love and respect.

How many Jehovah's Witnesses are on welfare?

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The statistics are unavailable, as the client privilege applies. However, there are good indications that many Jehovah's Witnesses are vulnerable to the economic conditions which result in persons seeking social assistance. One of the biggest negative contributors is their disdain for higher education, leaving them little choice but to seek employment in volatile or menial industries, such as cleaning, window-washing or factory work. There are exceptions, of course - those who are realistic about their situation will often take courses to allow a higher-paying bracket to be attained. These end up as Elders. :/

How many new converts are there to Jehovah's Witnesses each day?

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The exact number of new converts to Jehovah's Witnesses each day is not publicly available. The organization does not publish these statistics.

In what part of the world are Jehovah's Witnesses most predominant?

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There are a number of ways you can look at this, and I will try to do my best to answer it from as many different standpoints as I can.

In St. Helena, the concentration of JW's per resident seems to be the greatest. 1 out of every 35 residents in St. Helena is a JW, according to the 2008 report. But there are only about 4000 residents of St. Helena, so there are only about 115 JW's there.

In the US, There are about 1.1 million JW's, which is the highest total number of JW's of any country in the world, but there are several countries that have over a half million witnesses, including Mexico, which actually has a much higher concentration of JW's per population than the US does.

Japan has about 25% of the total number of JW's than the US does, but each JW in Japan spends about twice the amount of time in the public preaching work as those in the US.

in Tasmania - Actually Tasmania is part of Australia which has 64,815 Jehovah's Witnesses; this works out at a ratio of one Jehovah's Witnesse for every 339 inhabitants.

There is a low ratio in Barbados (108), Guadeloupe (53) or Martinique where there is one Witnesses for every 87 inhabitants. It seems therefore that the French Carribean is the most popular area in the World for Jehovah's Witnesse.

The lowest ratio of the general population to Jehovah's Witnesses is in Niuean an island dependency of New Zealand in the south-central Pacific Ocean east of Tonga where there is one Jehovah's Witness for every 47 inhabitants.

According to the Newspaper Excelsior, the town of Bejucalde Ocampo in southern Mexico has the rare exception of being a town where "the majoroity of [its 6,673] inhabitants are Jehovah's Wtinesses"

ACTS 1:8 but YOU will receive power when the holy spirit arrives upon YOU, and YOU will be witnesses of me both in Jerusalem and in all Ju·de´a and Sa·mar´i·a and to the most distant part of the earth."

How many people are still alive that were born in 1914?

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I can find nothing I can define as definitely reliable, but I did find this:

"As of 2000, there are over 200,000 people over 100. The UN estimates that by 2013, there will be 3,000,000 centenarians."

Right now those born in 1914 are about 95 years old. If the above information is accurate, it seems that there must be about 3,000,000 born on or before 1914.

How many Jehovah's Witnesses are there in the whole world?

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Currently (early 2014) there are almost 8million active witnesses of Jehovah in the world, preaching in almost 300 different lands, and offering literature, videos, and Bible studies in 100's of different spoken and signed languages.

They willingly do this in obedience to Jesus' command at Matthew 28:19,20, volunteering their own money, time and energy to contact as many people as possible with the good news of God's Kingdom and offering free home Bible studies.

In 2012 well over 7 and a half million members were actively witnessing worldwide about God's Kingdom and his righteousness. (Matthew 6:33, 24:14; 28:19,20)

I remember a friend asking me, on finding out I was going to a small Assembly, how many were going to be there. He thought about 150. He was a little surprised when I said the figure would be over 1,000 from ten different congregations. He had thought that, although we seem to be at people's doors frequently, to be very few in number. While that is true in some places, in other areas the Witnesses are well represented numerically.

In 2011, 7,659,019 publishers of the good news reported from 236 lands and islands. (In comparison, there were 205 countries represented at the Olympics recently.) All these Christians give willingly of their time and resources to try and help people from all backgrounds to hear the Bible's message. Literature is now available in 630 languages including for those who are blind or deaf.

In 2010 there were over 18 million worldwide in attendance at the annual observance of the memorial of the death of Jesus Christ.

As of September 2009, the exact number was 7,313,173.

When I first heard Bible truth from the witnesses in the year 1995, there were only 3 million active witnesses worldwide (if I remember correctly).

Jehovah's witnesses do not count in their totals the number of meeting attenders or visitors, but only those who are actively sharing the good news about God's Kingdom (ruled by Jesus Christ) and witnessing regularly about their Grand Creator and Instructor, Almighty Jehovah God. (Psalm 83:18)

Did Jehovah's Witnesses religion spread around the world?

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Yes, Jehovah's Witnesses have a significant global presence with followers in many countries around the world. They are known for their active outreach programs and door-to-door evangelism efforts to spread their beliefs.

How many Jehovahs Witnesses are in the US?

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There are currently 41 Assembly Halls of Jehovah's Witnesses in use in the US, with sevaral more being planned. There is also a District Convention Center of Jehovah's Witnesses in North Miami, Florida.

What does witness mean?

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Wit is a form of intelligent humour, the ability to say or write things that are clever and usually funny

What did the Watchtower magazine say in 1969 about young people never growing old?

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In 1969, the Watchtower magazine suggested that some young people believed they would never grow old or face the consequences of their actions, highlighting the need for individuals to take responsibility for their choices. The message emphasized the importance of recognizing the reality of aging and the need to plan for the future.

Was Stephen King every associated with Jehovah's witnesses?

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There is no evidence to suggest that Stephen King has ever been associated with Jehovah's Witnesses. He has not discussed any such affiliation in his public statements or writings.

Is Helen Keller a Jehovah witness?

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No, Helen Keller was not a Jehovah's Witness. She was an American author, political activist, and lecturer who lived from 1880 to 1968. She was known for overcoming her disabilities of being deaf and blind to become an influential figure in American history.

Are Jehovah's Witnesses REAL?

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Yes, Jehovah's Witnesses are a real religious group with more than 8 million followers worldwide. They are known for their door-to-door evangelism, belief in the Bible as the sole authority, and refusal to participate in military service or political activities.

Is Stephanie myer a Jehovah's witness?

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No, Stephanie Meyer, the author of the Twilight book series, is not a Jehovah's Witness.

Can you give a poem to a girl in your class who is a Jehovah's Witness instead of a Christmas gift?

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Yes, you can write a heartfelt poem that conveys your appreciation and well wishes for the holidays without directly mentioning Christmas. Focus on themes of friendship, warmth, and kindness that are universal and not tied to any specific holiday. Acknowledge and respect her religious beliefs by avoiding any references to Christmas and instead emphasize the spirit of giving and love.

What does a Jehovah's Witness obituary look like?

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A Jehovah's Witness obituary typically includes basic information about the deceased, such as their name, age, date of birth, and date of death. It may also mention their association with the Jehovah's Witness faith and any significant contributions they made to the community or congregation. Additionally, it may include details about funeral arrangements or instructions for donations in lieu of flowers.

How would the mothers from The Children in the 22 May 1994 edition of Awake feel if they ever discovered all the false information in the article?

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If the mothers from that edition of Awake discovered the false information in the article, they would likely feel deceived, disappointed, and possibly betrayed by the publication. They may also feel concerned about the impact of misinformation on their decision-making and the trustworthiness of the source.

What are some Jehovah's witness rituals after death?

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Jehovah's Witnesses do not perform rituals for the deceased, such as wakes or memorial services. They believe that the dead are unconscious and await resurrection, so they focus on preaching and helping others to prepare for the end times. They also emphasize the importance of living in accordance with biblical teachings to secure a place in God's kingdom.

Do Jehovah's Witnesses believe in obituaries?

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Jehovah's Witnesses may choose to acknowledge obituaries as a way to inform others of a person's passing. However, they do not believe in traditional practices associated with death, such as wake services or elaborate funeral ceremonies. Instead, they focus on comforting the grieving family and maintaining a hope for the resurrection.

What was the original title of the film dealing with the Jehovahs Witnesses and their controversial stance on Blood Transfusions you seem to recall Michael Caine played a Newspaper editor in this one?

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The original title of the film you're referring to is "Power of the Press" (aka "A Shocking Accident"). It focuses on the Jehovah's Witnesses' beliefs against blood transfusions and features Michael Caine as a newspaper editor exploring this controversial issue.

What time is sunset on March 22 in Maryland?

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Sunset time in Maryland on March 22 varies based on the specific location within the state, but generally, it occurs around 7:15-7:30 PM. You can refer to a reliable source like a weather website or app for the exact time for the specific area you are interested in.

How do you supposed to act if you are a follower Jehovah witness?

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If you are a follower of Jehovah Witness, you are encouraged to live a moral and upright life in accordance with the teachings of the Bible. This includes actively engaging in door-to-door evangelism, attending meetings and studying the Bible regularly, and abstaining from activities that are considered sinful or immoral. It is important to respect the beliefs and practices of others while maintaining your own faith.

Is it true that the Watchtower teaches Jehovah's Witnesses that it is okay to lie what they would call theocratic war strategy or hiding the truth for the sack of the ministry?

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No, the Watchtower does not teach Jehovah's Witnesses that it is okay to lie. The concept of theocratic warfare refers to situations where hiding or withholding certain information may be deemed necessary to protect the interests of Jehovah's organization. However, Jehovah's Witnesses are generally encouraged to be truthful and honest in their dealings with others.