

Can Kryptonite actually effect people

Updated: 8/17/2019
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13y ago

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Well considering kryptonite is deadly to SUPER human, I think it would be deadlier on the average human.

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What are the colors of kryptonite?

All of the colors of Kryptonite would include Green Kryptonite, Red Kryptonite, Black Kryptonite, Blue Kryptonite, Gold Kryptonite, White Kryptonite, Yellow Kryptonite, Silver Kryptonite, Pink Kryptonite and Purple Kryptonite.

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What are all the colors of kryptonite?

All of the following affect all Earth 1 (main continuity) Kryptonians, including Superman. Green kryptonite affects Superboy (Kon-el, who is only half Kryptonian), but I am not sure about the other colors where he is concerned. Green Kryptonite causes debilitating pain and illness, significant loss of powers, and eventually death. Red Kryptonite causes all kinds of strange, random effects, from aggression to apathy, power loss, and unexpected shape-shifting Gold Kryptonite causes loss of powers by removing the Kryptonian's ability to process yellow sunlight. Originally this was a perminant effect, but in more recent continuity the duration of power loss is given at 15 seconds. Blue Kryptonite is the Bizarro version of Green Kryptonite. It affects Bizarro the same way Green K affects Superman. It has benificial effects on Earth 1 Kryptonians. Black Kryptonite has the ability to split a Kryptonian into two beings, one good and one evil. White Kryptonite destroys plant life within a certain radius, whether the plants are Kryptonian or not. Pink Kryptonite apparently causes Superman to hit on Jimmy Olsen. It was only used once, in the second Supergirl series, and was probably intended as a joke.

Is kryptonite Superman's weakness?

Kryptonite is Superman's weakness.

What is the equation for kryptonite?

There is none. Kryptonite is a fictitious substance.

Is there such thing as red kryptonite?

In Smallville Blue Kyrptonite suppresses a Kryptonians Powers along with the effects of Green Kryptonite. In other versions Blue Kryptonite heals the effects of others for example - Red Kryptonite. Also affects Bizarros like Green Kryptonite affects Kryptonians or changes their personality to a more kindhearted manner.

Superman becomes an evil incarnation of himself when exposed to this?

Red kryptonite, it has effects lasting , I believe 48 hours and never the same effect twice, food for thought, in (The menace of red-green Kryptonite) subtitled The Mad hatter of Metropolis- he was taken to wearing hats all the time to hide-his kryptonite induced- Third Eye!

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