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Yes. Oxycontin (with oxycodone being the generic version of this brand name opiate medication) can show up as an opiate on a urine drug screen, as well as on a specific quantitative opiate test.

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Q: Can Oxycontin show up in more than one panel of a drug test?
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What does Oxycontin show up as on a ten panel drug screen?


Does Oxycontin show up on a five panel drug screen?

Yes. Opiates are included.

Will Oxycontin show up on a five panel urine drug screen?

yes as an opiate

You take Oxycontin 20 bid you will be drug tested for a job in the next few days when do you need to stop the Oxycontin so it does not show positive?

Oxycontin is a synthetic opiate. Unless you're taking an extensive drug test "army/some other government positions" Oxycontin will not show up on a standard drug test. If you are concerned, take a copy of the prescription with you to the testing site. Though it has been reported with extensive use Oxycontin can show up on the opiate panel as morphine... extensive use would be 160mg+ a day for several weeks...

What does Oxycontin and morphine show up as on a drug test?

It is an opiate.

Are you shore that heroin will show the same as Oxycontin in a ua and not heroin?

the body metabolises heroin and Oxycontin in different ways. On a standard drug panel test it will light up for opiates if you have taken them, but if you take a complex blood test then they can distinguish which drug you have taken because heroin gets metabolised and leaves one metabolised form of heroin than Oxycontin does not when metabolised.

Will Oxycontin show up as opana on a drug test?

It shows as an opiate

Will methadone and Oxycontin show up different in drug test?

Yes, Oxycontin will show up as an opiate on a drug test and Methadone will only show up as methadone because it requires its own specific test used to detect it.

Does the new op Oxycontin show up in drug tests?

Yes how would it not show up

What type of drug test do Oxycontin show?

oxys show up as opiates on any drug test u could possibly be given

Will benzonatate show up on urine drug screen?

If the urine panel is a 9 panel drug screen, benzonatate will not show up.

Will opanas show up the same as Oxycontin show up the same on a drug test?

Type your answer opanas show totally differ than Oxycontin they show oxymorphone(or howwever you spell it)i know for sure