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Students from any program can take admission to medical school. Individuals who pursue medical school come form a variety of educational backgrounds and fields. The issue is meeting the entrance requirements of the medical school. Typically, some requirements (some of which you may have already completed) are as follows.

* Biology (cell biology, biology of the organism) * Chemistry (inorganic, organic) * Physics * Communication (written and oral) * Higher level math's * Computer literacy * Development of good critical thinking skills.

Some other areas they look at - besides prerequisite coursework - are a candidates, clinical experience, volunteer activities, and research. Still, if this is your passion, then pursue it with a positive attitude. Attitude is everything!

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Q: Can Pharm-D students take admission in Doctor of Medicine?
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Within the US, the bachelor in pharmacy is no longer awarded. The minimum is now a PharmD, doctorate.Within the US, the bachelor in pharmacy is no longer awarded. The minimum is now a PharmD, doctorate.Within the US, the bachelor in pharmacy is no longer awarded. The minimum is now a PharmD, doctorate.Within the US, the bachelor in pharmacy is no longer awarded. The minimum is now a PharmD, doctorate.Within the US, the bachelor in pharmacy is no longer awarded. The minimum is now a PharmD, doctorate.Within the US, the bachelor in pharmacy is no longer awarded. The minimum is now a PharmD, doctorate.

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