

Can Platypuses be found in the swamp?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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No. Platypuses need water which is relatively free of snags and water reeds, in order to swim and hunt effectively.

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Q: Can Platypuses be found in the swamp?
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Why Do platypuses live in the swamp?

Platypuses do not live in the swamp. Platypuses do not live in water at all. They burrow in riverbanks and creekbanks, above the waterline, so their burrow remains dry. Platypuses need creeks and rivers for hunting in, but they are also found alongside lakes. They prefer clean, slightly running water, preferably not stagnant like that found in swamps, although they do sometimes live in lakes. In addition, swamps, by their very nature, do not have banks that will allow platypuses to dig shelters. Swamps are low-lying wetland areas, with saturated flats that do not allow a platypus to dig and stay dry when it is not hunting for food.

Where do platypuses come from?

Platypuses are found only in Australia.

Can platypuses live in Wisconsin?

No. Platypuses are uniquely adapted to live in the country and continent of Australia.

Are there platypuses in Alabama?

No. Platypuses are found only in eastern Australia.

Are platypuses found in China?

No. Platypuses are not found in China or any other region of Asia. Platypuses are endemic to eastern Australia, which means they are not found in any other country or continent at all.

Which country has the biggest population of platypuses?

Platypuses are found only in Australia.

Do platypuses live in New Guinea?

No. Platypuses are not found in New Guinea.

Are there platypuses in southeastern Pennsylvania?

No. Platypuses are found only in eastern Australia.

Does Venice have platypuses?

No. Venice does not have platypuses. Platypuses are native to eastern Australia, and are not found in the wild anywhere else in the world.

Do platypuses live in Niagara Falls?

No. Platypuses are found only in eastern Australia.

Are there platypuses in Australia?

Yes. Australia is the only country in which platypuses can be found in the wild.