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Q: Can Prednisone be taken with plavix?
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No you cant. Prilosec plus Plavix is contraindicated. Prilosec decreases the effects of Plavix by affecting the hepatic enzyme CYP2C19 metabolism which causes a high likelihood of serious or life-threatening interaction

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i am asking you

Does prednizone have to be taken the same time everyday?

prednisone is usually taken with breakfast every morning.

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I have MG. i am taking everyday prednisone, pyridostigmine. amlodipine, triamteren, omeprazole. is it safe to take metronidazole as well?

Can you take phenergan prednisone and advil at the same time?

Benadryl is taken to suppress allergies, however Prednisone suppresses the immune system, and therefore your allergies as well. If you are on Prednisone, taking Benadryl is pointless because Prednisone is an infinitely stronger anti-allergen.

How is azathioprine taken?

Azathioprine, which needs to be taken with food to avoid stomach upset, is frequently combined with cyclosporine, prednisone, or tacrolimus.

Can ibuprofen prednisone Valium and oxycodon be taken together?

Valium and oxycodone can not be taken together. Other two drugs can be taken along with either of the two drugs.

Is it fine to take Prednisone with Gatorade?

Prednisone is a very strong drug, with many side effects. Prednisone must be taken with care, and only as directed by your Dr. Gatorade is a simple solution that replaces the electrolytes lost by the body, Gatorade does not react with drugs, and can be considered as safe as water.

Can multivitamin be taken with Prednisone?

Yes. There is no contraindication to doing so.

Does the use of Prednisone cause avascular necrosis?

The use of Prednisone can cause Avascular Necrosis. This would affect the bone area. It has been reported that those who have taken doses greater then 20 milligrams a day of Prednisone have experienced this condition, particularly in the hip area.