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yes they both love the same treats

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Q: Can Rabbits eat guinea pig treats?
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Can humans eat guinea pig treats?

Yes, humans can eat guinea pig treats. However, if you eat enough of them, you will probably get sick.

Will rabbits eat guinea pig babies?

NO WAY, rabbits are herbivores (vegetarians) and so they don't eat meat. Instead they will only eat plant material. Guinea pig babies are made of meat, not, cauliflower or collard greens!

Is it ok for rabbits to eat guinea pig food?

Yes but it's better for Rabbits to eat Rabbit food,Grass,Hay,And carrots and such

What can you feed both rabbits and guinea pigs?

You can feed them both guinea pig food. Don't feed the guinea pig the rabbit food or it will be sick. Rabbits are ok on guinea pig food.

Can guinea pigs eat CareFRESH food for rabbits?

Guinea pigs can not eat rabbit food. Just go to a local pet store but don't give a guinea pig food that is also used for rabbits because they have different diets

What do guinea pigs at 10 weeks old eat?

They eat the regular guinea pig diet. Guinea pig pellets, timothy hay, water, chew treats, and get them a chew block or salt chew also to help wear their teeth down.

Why can't guinea pigs and rabbits live in the same hutch?

There are several reasons why you shouldnt keep guinea pigs and rabbits together, the rabbits are usually bigger than the guinea pig so there is some danger of the guinea pig being injured and although its rare, guinea pigs and rabbits have been known to mate which can harm the guinea pig and even the rabbit.

Are rabbits related to guinea pig?

No. Not at all.

Can guinea pigs eat teddy grams?

No. Only feed your guinea pig veggies and some fruit plus timothy hay and pellets. NEVER feed your guinea pig pellets made for rabbits or other animals.

Is a bunny a good companion for a guinea pig?

Rabbits/Bunnies do NOT make good cage mates for Guinea Pigs. The Guinea Pig needs another of its own kind to thrive. Even if it does have another Guinea Pig partner, the Rabbit/Bunny may try to kill, hurt, or eat them. I hope this answers your question!

Do rabbits eat Guinea pig?

They might fight but I think all rabbits are herbivores and non aggressive, even if they were they are about the same size so rabbit would not be a predator

A Guinea Pig is a rodent but what is a rabbit?

Rabbits are lagomorphs, not rodents!