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Yes, it is possible , however it depends on the type of joint you are trying to weld, and how structural you need it to be . Generally the low amperage of these machines lack the penetration needed for thicker metals. But with proper joint preparation IE. beveling the edges, and using flux core wire , along with multiple passes , you could achieve a good weld. Also it should be noted that these machines have a low duty cycle , meaning that, in order to weld thicker metals the machine must be used at it's highest settings , effectively shortening the amount of time you have to make a certain length of weld, which in this case is short. Usually a 20% duty cycle means at it's high settings , you can only weld 2 mins. out of every 10 mins, this is to avoid overheating the machine.

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Q: Can SP 140T Lincoln weld 8mm thick steel?
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