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No. At least, not unless you put "testosterone" in quotes. It contains phytosterols, chemicals which are somewhat similar to testosterone. It does contain a factor which inhibits the enzyme that converts testosterone into dihydrotestosterone; this could result in increased levels of testosterone. However, dihydrotestosterone is the more potent of the two, so the net effect is the opposite of what you might think: it tends to promote feminine characteristics, such as gynecomastia.

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Does saw palmetto treat BPH?

Saw palmetto does not reduce prostate enlargement. inhibits the conversion of testosterone into dihydrotestosterone (DHT). BPH is thought to be caused by an increase in testosterone to DHT. Secondly, saw palmetto is believed to.

Can saw palmetto interact with other drugs?

Saw palmetto may interfere with such hormone-related drugs as testosterone and estrogen replacements

Will saw palmetto reduce DHT 4m body and if yes does it has side effects?

Saw palmetto is all natural made from a berry extract.It is known to inhibit 5 alpha reductase enzyme responsible for conversion of Testosterone to DHT but it does not give rise to any side effect.Best quality saw palmetto supplements are available in Revital Trichology, Mumbai, India

What interactions are associated with saw palmetto?

Saw palmetto may interfere with such hormone-related drugs as testosterone and estrogen replacements.It may also interact with such birth control pills.There are no known restrictions on food, beverages, or physical activity while taking saw palmetto.

What is the bengali translation of saw palmetto?

Saw Palmetto

How can we minimize Testosterone in women?

Saw Palmetto has been shown to reduce testosterone levels in women. Available at any heath store, take two tables morning and night on an empty stomach.

Does saw palmetto contain L-arginine?

No, rather saw palmetto and L-Arginine are usually both included in natural remedies for erectile dysfunction, prostate health and premature ejaculation. Saw Palmetto comes from a plant and L-Arginine is an amino acid.

What is saw palmetto in tagalog?

Saw palmetto in Tagalog is "sawi palmetto."

What is the meaning of saw palmetto or relate words in Tamil?

Saw palmetto is பத்தை இலை (patthai ilai) in Tamil. It is a type of palm tree native to North America, and its fruit extract is commonly used for prostate health.

Where is the majority of the commercial saw palmetto cultivated?

There is an estimated one million acres of wild saw palmetto palms in Florida, where the bulk of commercial saw palmetto is grown.

Will saw palmetto assist in growing body hair in men?

Saw Palmetto does not assist hair in men body to grow because the Saw Palmetto berry extract has been proven to be helpful in reducing the effects of hair loss on the body of men, due mainly to the fact that it acts against the androgen in the body that contribute to an accelerated rate at which men hair is lost. In other words. Dihydro testosterone contributes to an accelerated hair loss, which grows in large amounts and causes the body to stop producing sufficient amounts of testosterone that keep the hair growing in strong.

What is Tamil name of saw palmetto?

Saw Palmetto there is no answer to improve...some picture is only here...what to do?