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yes it can my friend had it so i would watch out

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Q: Can Sweating lead to dehydration
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What is a potentially serious consequence of profuse sweating?

A potentially serious consequence of profuse sweating is called dehydration.

Why can sweating too much be dangerous?

Sweating too much will not kill but it will cause dehydration that may kill if not enough water is being replenished. Heavy sweating can cause major social and personal problems to your life. If you are sweating alot for no particular reasons, you may be suffering from a medical problem termed hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating)

Is Sweating good for you?

It is very bad for me because of it's cause of dehydration.

Can you get dehydration from food poising?

Food poisoning creates numerous problems. Two of the most common are diarrhea and vomiting. These certainly cause dehydration. And fever causing sweating which increases the dehydration.

What is it called when the body is lacking in adequate fluids?

it can lead to dehydration which can lead to low blood -pressure and slow heart beat

Dehydration lead to missed period?

Yes it can

How do you make a sentence with dehydration?

Some children get dehydrated in the summer.

Why do you get dehydration?

Mild dehydration is common and usually caused by not drinking enough fluids throughout the day. In children, diarrhoea is a common cause. There are many causes of dehydration, the most common are diarrhoea, vomiting, sweating, excessive urination and fever or burns.

How do you recognize dehydration?

The following are symptoms: Light headedness, fatigue and weakness. Dry mouth and a lack of sweating can also occur.

Does menstruation lead to dehydration?

I dont think so

Can you get dehydration from not eating or drinking for 24 hours?

Yes you can. If you are outside in the heat and humidity you can suffer from dehydration in a few hours. If you exert energy you can become dehydrated very quickly. Dehydration is a very serious problem which can lead to heat exhaustion, heat stroke, and the shutting down of your bodies organs which leads to death. In sports and work where you are sweating or exerting a lot of energy it is very important to re-hydrate by drinking fluids. Your body needs food and water for a reason. If you are not exerting yourself, 24 hours may not be that detrimental but be careful. If you are using energy and have been sweating and then you stop sweating, you are probably dehydrated. Seek a cooler area, rest, and drink plenty of fluids. NOT BEER OR SODA! Water or sports drinks are better.

Is sweating a symptom of Crohn's Disease?

Yes. It is a common symptom. Low grade fever especially at night can cause extra sweating. If you find you are sweating more than usual during a flare up of Crohns you should monitor and increase your fluid intake or risk dehydration. The symptom is call hyperhidrosis, speak with your doctor if this happens to you as Crohns patients are at severe risk for dehydration even without this added symptom.