

Can Trichomoniasis vaginalis lead to aids?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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No, Trichomoniasis vaginalis will not lead to aids.

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Q: Can Trichomoniasis vaginalis lead to aids?
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Is trichomoniasis a sexually transmitted viral infection?

Yes, trichomoniasis is caused by a protozoa. The organism is Trichomonas vaginalis.

Can you get Trichomoniasis from raising turkeys or Chickens?

No. Trichomoniasis is a sexually transmitted disease caused by the protozoan Trichomonas vaginalis. It is not caused by raising fowl.

Do female seahorses give male seahorses trichomoniasis?

Trichomonas vaginalis infects only humans, not seahorses.

When was trichomoniasis discovered?

Alfred François Donné, 1801-1878, discovered both Trichomonas vaginalis and leukemia.

Why does trichomoniasis vaginalis occur during menstrual period?

Trichomoniasis can occur both during the menstrual period and at other times. Odor may be more noticeable during menstruation due to the increased pH of the vagina.

What effect do antibiotics have on the spread of trichomoniasis?

The use of antibiotics is a contributing factor to recurrent trichomoniasis in some women because antibiotics affect the balance of bacteria in the vagina, allowing such organisms as T. vaginalis to multiply more rapidly.

Do antibiotics cure trichomoniasis?

Amoxicillin won't treat trich.Amoxicillin is not effective against trichomonas.Yes

Is a protozoan is a std?

Trichomoniasis is caused by a protozoan.TRICHOMONIASIS.TrichomonasTrichomonas vaginalis is the protozoa that causes trichomoniasis.Trichomoniasis.Trichomoniasis is a STD caused by a protozoa.Tichomonasis is an infection by a protozoan most commonly spead through sexual intercourse.

Can you get trichomoniasis from a female?

No, an untreated urinary infection can't cause trichomoniasis. However, continued urinary symptoms, especially with a negative urine culture, can be signs and symptoms of trichomoniasis that were not detected during previous exams.

What the name of the pathogen in trichinosis?

Trichomoniasis is caused by a protozoa named trichomonas vaginalis.

If your test were negative but you still have discharge and itching in your penis?

It's possible that it is trichomoniasis. It's caused by a parasitic protozoan so that's why regular antibiotics like ciprofloxacin will only lessen the symptoms for a little but then it comes back. Metronidazole and tinidazole are used to kill trichomonas vaginalis the parasite responsible for trichomoniasis.

Can trichomoniasis lead to cervical cancer?

Trichomoniasis is a sexually transmitted infection (STI) caused by the protozoan parasite Trichomonas vaginalis. While trichomoniasis itself is not directly linked to cervical cancer, it can have implications for women's reproductive health and may be associated with an increased risk of acquiring other STIs. Trichomoniasis and Cervical Cancer: Trichomoniasis does not cause cervical cancer. Cervical cancer is primarily associated with persistent infection by high-risk types of human papillomavirus (HPV). However, there is some evidence suggesting an association between trichomoniasis and an increased risk of acquiring or transmitting HPV, which is a known risk factor for cervical cancer. Relationship with HPV: Trichomoniasis may cause inflammation and microscopic wounds in the genital tract, potentially creating an environment that makes it easier for HPV to establish an infection. Some studies have suggested that women with trichomoniasis may have a higher prevalence of HPV infection compared to those without trichomoniasis. Persistent HPV infection, especially with high-risk HPV types, can lead to changes in cervical cells that may progress to cervical cancer over time. Preventive Measures: Regular screenings, such as Pap smears and HPV tests, are essential for the early detection of cervical abnormalities and cervical cancer. Practicing safe sex by using condoms can help reduce the risk of trichomoniasis and other STIs. It's important for individuals to prioritize their sexual health, undergo regular screenings, and discuss any concerns or symptoms with healthcare providers. Early detection and appropriate management of STIs, including trichomoniasis, can contribute to overall reproductive health and reduce potential risks associated with other infections, including HPV and cervical cancer.