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Q: Can You Make hair curly without plaits Or straighteners?
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How do you make a boy hair turn curly?

If the boy has long hair you can use straighteners, you can do this by putting a chunk of hair in the straighteners and twist the remaining around the straighteners and pull away the straighteners, if the boy has short hair I am not sure how. And the straightener thing only lasts for a while. I am sorry If I am no help and the boy has short hair.

Is mark hill hair straighteners a good make?

Mark Hill straighteners are a good high street brand. They have a number of straighteners that range in prices the cheapeast being around £20 and the more expensive being around £99. I have used Mark Hill straighteners before, I got a mid priced one and found it did they job but didn't keep my hair straight for a long period of time. I have very curly and frizzy hair so I found it didn't really help keep my hair smooth and straight. But if you have thinner hair which isn't so curly than I think Mark Hill straighteners will work just fine. Otherwise look at GHD straighteners, they really do the trick!

I have curly or wavy hair and it is very hard to straighten is there any way to make the straight hair last?

use straighteners and then put super glue in ur hair. =D

Is chemical straightening only for curly hair?

No, chemical straightener is formulated specifically for curly, wavy, frizzy, or hair with lots of volume. Technically speaking, you can put chemical straightener on any hair type and it will make it less wavy, curly, or frizzy. (Note: Some heat straighteners can actually make hair frizzier, because it heats your hair, which can burn it and encourage split ends.)

How do you get curly hair without heat?

The way to make your hair curly without using styling tongs is to plait your hair at night then take it down in the morning.

What are the best hair straighteners for thick curly hair?

Chi or GHD if you have $100Try a Revlon it works for my coarse hair, make sure to get the titanium 2 inch. Only 20 bucks at your local Target:)

You always want your hair to look nice but it takes so long to curl and doesnt stay straight and your natural isn't anything special what can you do to make your hair look nice without irons?

I used to have the same problem - answer? Well, there are a few.- You could straighten your hair and then use hairspray to keep it straight!- After you have washed your hair, keep it damp while you put it in 6 plaits and keep them in plaits while you sleep. Then in the morning take them out and your hair will be curly!- Same as above, but instead of plaiting your hair tie it up scruffily in a tight bun. I don't think this works as well as plaits, thought, but it is less fussy.Good luck! xxx

Does wearing plaits make your hair grow faster?

no of course not i wear plaits and my hair hasn't grown one inch i am still asking my parents to straighten it

What are hair straighteners use for?

To make your hair straight?

What does ghd hair straighteners stand for?

You may never think of themselves curly hair will become very submissive straight hair, I never thought about to make their straight hair curly hair into a sexy, but the ghd straighteners but can help you achieve this, we have for different Customer requirements straight hair, some for long hair, some for short hair, short hair, but do not worry about how to do volume, do not worry about the hair too short to reach the kind of sexy curls you want, all this can be By the introduction of new technology to help you achieve.

How can you make curly hair stay curly?

Get a perm.

What is a generic to chi straighteners?

Chi straighteners can get up to double the amount of heat of a generic straightener. This can make the straightening process much faster and can make the hair look straighter for a longer amount of time.