

Can a 10 year old be questioned without a parent present?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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9y ago

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Not in most countries - there legal guardian of the child would normally have to be present.

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Q: Can a 10 year old be questioned without a parent present?
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Absolutely, all children can be questioned as long as the parent(s) are present.

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yes but she has to live with a parent

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Of course you can continue to be questioned, however, anything you say cannot be used against you in most circumstances. In theory a minor cannot be questioned by Police without the presence of a lawyer or legal parent/guardian. A school official though, does not need your parent present to question you, but you do have the right to request him/her to stop questioning you until a parent arrives.

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No. It is not legal, the teen is considered a minor until the age of 18 and cannot be questioned without a parent or legal guardian present.

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This depends on the state where the interview takes place. In some states, police can interview juveniles without a parent or advocate present. In cases where a parent is suspected of criminal misconduct, a court-appointed advocate is usually present to protect the child's interests.

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Of course. Since a 16 year old can commit a crime without their parent's attendance, they can also be arrested without their parents. Whether or not they can be questioned is a different matter and should be researched locally if necessary.

Can police question a 13 year without an adult present in the state of Florida?

No. how ever, if the minor does by any chance say sumthin he should or shouldn't of said, that could be used against him. any person 17 or younger, gettin interrogated or questioned by a pig, will need the parent or guardain present. unless the minor chooses not too have the parent there.

Can a 15 year old be questioned by police at school without a parent or guardian resonable effort to contact parents or guardian before questioning in Minnesota?

Yes, they can be questioned. No, they do not have to answer or even stay where the officer asks them to be.

Can a sixteen year old be questioned by police without a parent present?

Depends. Sometimes juveniles can be questioned with an adult present. Other times an adult MUST be present but it depends on the situation though.Added: Please define "questioned by."It depends on what type of "questioning" is being referred to.If the juvenile is in custody and being investigated and/or charged with an offense, a responsible adult should be notified (i.e.: school administrator - parent - social worker) - HOWEVER - if the officer is simply "speaking with" the minor in a non-custodial setting, no, it is not necessary.

Can a 13 year old be questioned by police at school without a parent or guardian?

In the state of Oklahoma, if the child is a witness to a crime, then YES Law Enforcement may question a child. If the Child is a suspect in a crime then not without a parent or guardian or an attorney.

Can a 13 year old be questioned by police at school in Illinois without a parent or guardian?

Yes. See:

Can the police ask a nine year old without a parent present?

Yes, they can. This is especially important in abuse cases. If the child were to be questioned in the presence of an abusing parent, the answers would very likely be inaccurate. However, in many cases the officers do allow the parents to attend as a courtesy and as a comfort to the child, as long as it is not a case where their presense will likely interfere with the investigation.