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You might depending on which county you are in. Some require the courts consent as well.

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Q: Can a 15 year old get married in Mississippi to a over age guy with parent consent?
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Do you have to have both parents' consent for an underage marriage in Pennsylvania and can one parent sign if they don't have custody over that child?

If you are under the age of 18, then the consent of the CUSTODIAL parent or Guardian is necessary. So, if this parent does not have custody, then they cannot sign for you to get married.

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You have to be 18 and +. Or if you're under 18, the person you are marrying has Tobe over 18 and... If you are a *Male* 16 -18 You will need parent's consent and judge or magistrate's order... *Female* 14 - 16 You will need parent's consent and judge or magistrate's order... 16 - 18 You will need parent's consent...

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No they can not if any court has jurisdiction over the child or the other parent has visitation rights. In that case they need toe parent's consent and court approval.

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Yes, you will need parental consent to drop out. And you will have to be over the age of 16.

Can a 16 year old be with someone over 21 in Alaska with parent consent?

Yes, age of consent is 16 in Alaska.

What is Mississippi Laws on the Age of Consent and?

The age of consent in Mississippi is 16 years of age. If both parties are over that age, there are no criminal issues. The parents don't have to agree and can still make things difficult.

Can a 16 year old get married to a 19 year old without parental consent?

no if you are under the age of 18 and are in legal custody of your parents you must have parent consent. and marrying someone over 18 also poses other legal problems aswell.

Can you marry illegally without parent consent?

no, not unless your over the age of 18 and you have proof

What is the legal age in Florida to get a tattoo with parent consent?

The legal age in Florida to get a tattoo with parental consent is 16. A parent or legal guardian must be present and provide written consent for the minor to receive a tattoo.

Can you get married in Florida under age 18 with someone older than 18 with parental consent?

With parental consent and being over the age of 16 you can get married.

Can a 17 year old female move out with verbal consent from parent and if the parent decides to over rule their previous consent will there be consequences in California?

Until you have reached the age of majority for your state, you do have to abide by the parent's wish, unless you become emancipated.

Can you get married if you're underage with one parent's consent but the parent signing has warrants?

I don't think that the fact they have warrants will affect this at all regardless of a warrant when your a parent of a minor you stil can give or not give consent over what your child does hope this helps, Good Luck and God Bless!!! * If both parents have custodial rights then both must give consent for the minor to marry. FYI, any person who has outstanding warrants is considered a fugitive and is subject to arrest and incarceration at any given time.