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Child support is used to take care of a child's needs. A parent can choose to give you the money but as long as all needs are met, they do not have to.

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Q: Can a 17 year old get his child support?
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Can you apply for child support for a 17 year old if there was never a child support order by the court?


If a 17 year old girl gets pregnant does the non custodial parent get to stop child support?

No. Child support that was ordered must still be paid until the 17 year old turns 18.

Do child support payments continue if 17 year old child is being homeschooled should be a senior but is only at 10th grade level and does not do lessons?

Child support for a 17-year-old continues regardless of the child's school status. In general, 18 is the minimum age to terminate support.

In New York State does a 17 year old father have to pay child support to 17 year old mother?

Yes. see links

What happens if a 17 year old boy has a baby with an 18 year old girl?

They become parents of the child. And have all the responsibilities of having a child, including child support.

Can child support be taken away if child age of 17 gets a part time job in Texas?

If the child is providing more than 50% of his or her financial support, child support will end in Texas. If not, a 17-year-old's job will have no effect on child support amounts.

If a pregnant child moves out at 17 with parental consent are the parents reliable for child support?

The 17-year-old's parents are probably responsible for supporting the 17-year-old (it may depend on the state and the exact circumstances). They are not responsible for supporting the 17-year-old's infant, nor should they be.

Can parents refuse room and board to 17 year old in NJ?

No, they are obligated to support their child until the child is 18.

In Texas if a 17 year old moves out are you still liable to pay child support?

Yes, they are a minor

Can the father collect child support if a 17 year old in a shared custody no child support situation chooses to live with him?

Yes, as long as the legal custody schedule is changed, child support can also be adjusted.

Can a 17 year old sign up for child support for the father to pay?

i think so because a 17 year old is not officially an adult, only when you're 18 you cant do it anymore

Do you still have to pay child support if your 17 year old daughter is pregnant?

Yes, but if she gets married then you don't have to.