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Q: Can a 1 year old take benadryl with azithromycin?
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Can a year old take Benadryl?

In minute doses yes, but try Zyrtec (cetirizine) for allergy help.

Can a 2 year old have Benadryl?

not unless directed otherwise by a pediatrician

A 4 year old child with a swollen eye and a fever?

My four year old just presented the same symptoms. Dr. called back and recommended benadryl suspension. Feels it is probably an insect bite. Will take her in to pediatrician in the morning.

Can azithromycin be given to a 4 year old?

No adult should give any child a medication that is not prescribed by a doctor for that child.

How much Benadryl can you give a 2 year old?

None. Benadryl (generic name: diphenydramine) can have disastrous effects if given to children that young. Call your pediatrician or pharmacist for better options.

If a 2 year old child takes half of an adult Benadryl will that harm them?

Half a bottle? Yeah, see your emergency room!

Can a child take Benadryl with Claritin?

A child should not take Benadryl along with Claritin. These two medicines do pretty much the same thing. There would be a chance of overdosing if you gave your child both of these at the same time.

Does a 3 year old have to be awake for a platelet transfusion?

No, though the nurse may waken the child to administer Tylenol and/or Benadryl to reduce side effects from transfusion reactions.

Can babies take azithromycin 2 months old?

no they can't . coz the liver suppose to deal withthe medicin and the liver still developing so jaundice may be deveoped seriously .

Are there any age restrictions for Azithromycin?

Azithromycin has been safely used in people ranging from 6 months old into old age. However, it has been demonstrated that the elderly, particularly those with heart conditions could possibly have a dangerous reaction to the medication.

Can you take allegra D with Azithromycin?

Allegra-D is a prescription strength allergy relief medication that contains a nasal decongestant. Azithromycin is an antibiotic used to treat bacterial infections. There are no listed interactions between these two medications.