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Probably not considering the 16 year old made the choice to go. It would be different if he did not drive her home or she was a little girl.

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Q: Can a 20 year old boyfriend be put in jail on kidnapping charges for picking up a 16 year old girlfriend from school without parental consent?
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Can a parent press kidnapping charges on someone who is knowingly allowing a 16 year old to live with them without parental consent?

Yes they can.

On which of these charges was Noriega not convicted?

kidnapping They were not convicted of kidnapping because it was a racial subject that they had to face

What charges can you receive for protesting?

Murder and kidnapping

What if your boyfriend beat you the police took pics then they told him about thisis this illegal from the police point of view?

once the police is in it,your boyfriend would be facing charges, may be a misdeminior or a felony. the only way he could be left relief of those charges is if the girlfriend drop charges against the boyfriend, but he might still be in his record as an assault and battery offence.

What happens when the person drops charges kidnapping then what happens?

Kidnapping is a crime in most countries. In which case "a person" can not drop charges, the charges are made by the state/police (on the basis of a complaint or evidence) and it is up to them whether or not to prosecute the person charged.

If your boyfriend is arrested for kidnapping you and sexually assaulting can you drop the charges before court date if over 18 yrs of age?

You can't drop the charges, the prosecutor must do that. In most cases if you do not wish to assist in the prosecution they will do so. However, they may still carry on.

Can you press charges on maternal grandparent for kidnapping your kid?

Kidnapping charges can be brought against anyone who does not have legal or physical custody of that person. Grandparent, parent, second cousin twice-removed, does not matter.

Can you drop kidnapping charges against your boyfriend after you filed a police report against him in Oklahoma?

First and foremost, make better relationship choices. I know it doesn't directly answer the question, but, seriously... something happened which caused you to file kidnapping charges. Guess what? It was not a one-off thing. As for your question, you're kinda stuck between a rock and hard place. If you drop the charges and say you weren't kidnapped, then you're in a bind for filing a false police report. And, even if you do drop the charges, it doesn't mean the police won't pursue the charges themselves.

Can the parents file charges against the boyfriend for getting the teen girlfriend pregnant?

It depends on his age if he is 4 years older or if she is under 16 then yes

Can you drop charges of kidnapping between you and your boyfriend if you didn't want to press them to begin with especially if there was no fighting him to put you down to begin with?

depends on what age you are. If you are over 18 then you can drop the case whenever you want. but if you are under 18 , even if you drop the case, your parents still can press charges against him.

What are the possible charges for a pregnant 17-year-old girl and her boyfriend leaving state to get married without parental consent?

Well, there is the big problem. You must be at least 18 to get married without parental consent. There is no place in North America that will allow you to get married without it.

In Texas can a 17-year-old boyfriend move into his 18-year-old girlfriend's mother's home?

The age of majority in TX is 18. If you leave home prior to turning 18 without parental permission or without being emancipated, then your parents can report you as a runaway. Anyone who takes you in could be facing charges for doing so.