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Q: Can a 28 year old file for back child support?
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Can you receive back pay child support for a 26-year-old who has student loans?

Yes, but you have to file for it in court.

Can a parent go back and collect child support for a previous year if the current signed Parenting Agreement filed in Arizona each parent waived child support in lieu of equal time with child?

You can not get child support for the previous year if there is a filed court document stating that you agreed not to get any. The best you can do is file for a change so that child support might be able to start, but it would not be retroactive.

Can the child file back child support if he is 18 and graduated?

Not if an order is already in place. If not, yes in those states where 18 is the age of majority, however you have just one year to do so.

If you only received half of the amount of child support for a year can you ask for back child support.?

Yes, you can.

You did not know that you have a 15 year old child do you owe back child support?

Child support accrues from the moment the support order is issued, not from the birth of the child.

Do you have to pay child support if you are only 17?

You or your parents will pay it. I've seen a $700 average child support payment on a 12 year old by his former sitter. She just waited until the statute of limitations ran out to file for retroactive support all the way back to the birth of the child.

If you lose your job are on monthly workman compensation for over a year for neck injury how can you get the attorney general in Texas to reduce your child support?

You can request to have your child support lowered due to a change in income at anytime. You will have to file for a review with child support recovery or take the case back to court to get it reduced.

How long can you be incarcerated for back child support?

A Georgia man served a year for not paying child support on a child not his. see links

Can I get child support for my 21 year old son?

That is dependent on the state. In most states you have until the child reaches the age of majority, than the child has one year longer to file on their own. However, in Ohio you have until the child turns 23 to file for up to 18 years of retroactive support. see links

Do you get your child support back at the end of the year?

Uh, no. It wasn't a loan.

Can a 33 year old man sue for back child support?


What action should be taken if mother wants her child to live with father but mother has full custody of 17 year old child?

The parents have to go back to court to file a modification of the custody order. They should also terminate any child support order that obligates the father to pay child support