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No, a three year old cannot ejaculate. Puberty does not begin for boys until between 10 and 14 years old on average, during which point the testes will start producing sperm.

The youngest boy known to have fathered a child in Britain was a 12-year-old.

There are unsubstantiated stories that boys as young as 8 have begun precocious puberty and produced ejaculate.

Precocious puberty is more common in females than males. The youngest recorded girl to give birth to a child was in 1939 Peru when she was only 5 years 7 months old by cesarean section.
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No, the male body does not start producing sperm until puberty starts.

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Q: Can a boy develop sperm at age 3?
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How many number of heads make the ideal proportion of a 3 year old boy?

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