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No, an 8 year old cant depend only on brest milk. He need more calories because they are active throughout and for that they need some other food options.

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Not usually. There have been some incidences of it happening, but as a general rule most children stop at 18 months or so.

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Q: Can a 8 year old child drink breast milk?
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Can a 14 year old drink your breast milk?

No. Ew

What is the best type of milk to feed a one year old?

The mother's breast milk is best. Failing that, breast milk from a wet nurse. If it is not possible to use breast milk, then infant formulas can be used, provided the water used to make them is clean.

How to get a 2 year old off breastfeeding?

Stop breastfeeding them. Give the child a sippy cup with breast milk in it and slowly wheen them off it onto milk. If this does not work try a little naturally sweet milk to mimic the breast milk.

How much breast milk does a baby drink from it's Mother from newborn to age 1?

Ideally, a child should be exclusively breast feed for the first year of it's life. So, 100% of it's food intake for this time period should be mothers milk.

Can a ten year old produce breast milk?

yes it is because milk from a womans booby is better for your child than milk from a cow or goat. so please get breastfeeding your children

What a have to do with my baby becaus he don't want drink soy milk anymore?

A lot more information is needed to answer this question properly; but if you are in fact referring to a baby up to one year of age, he should not be given soy milk in the first place. The current recommendation is to allow the baby to drink only breast milk or formula for the first year of life with breast milk being preferred when possible. Solids are to be added between 4 and 6 months depending on the baby's readiness, but cow's milk, soy milk, or juice should not be introduced until at least one year of age.

Does breast milk come out after a year in a half?

A woman's breasts will continue to secrete milk as long as the woman continues to breast feed.

How long are you supposed to breast feed a baby?

Typically, a baby is fed about 15 minutes on each breast 4 to 6 times a day. The baby should be fed exclusively breast milk for the first year of its' life. For the best interest of the child, continue breast feeding until the child is 2 or 3 years old.

How are you going to convince your mother to give a 13 year old breast milk?

A child above the age of 7 has no need to consume milk of any form, nor has the production of Lactase to break it down.

Is it appropriate to only breast feed with no solids?

This all depends on how old your child is. While an infant, less than 12 months old, the child should be fed only breast milk. After that time, you can start introducing other foods. From there, breast feeding can be tapered off over the next year of so until your child is fully weaned.

Should a 1 year drink skim milk?

It is my understanding that a child should drink whole milk until the age of three. The growing child needs the fat included in whole milk to aid in growth & development. As growth slows down the demands of a growing body slow down some & the caloric burn they had no longer applies.

How lond do puppies drink milk?

about for a year or until they've grown to drink stuff other than milk