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Once a girl hits puberty and begins menstruating, then they are technically capable of getting pregnant.

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Q: Can a 9 year old get pregnet?
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Can a ten year old get pregnet?

No, ten year olds are not mature enough to share cells and attend labour.

Can you get pregnet when you are 9 years old?

yes u can with the little boy dick is big and if the girl pussy is open

Can a 13 year old get pregnet?

yes, if mensturation started before and there is sexual relation. but it is done , her patner will become criminal by law.

Can you get pregnet at 14?

I geuss i think Something is Missing in my life but idk if its Good to be Pregnet While YOUR 14...... i know if i do get prego By this 16 year old boy I know he has hurted me in the past And he treates ME BUT I DONT THINK ITS GOOD TO BE PREGO BY HIM IF I DO BUT CAN YOU TEL ME IF ITS GOOD?

How old is a 9 year old?

9 years old. A 9 year old on his birthday is approximately 3,288 days old.

Can a three year old male gerbil have babies with one 9 weeks?

I dont think so , but any thing is possible . I also dont know so much about reproduction , but im predy sure they cant and males cant get pregnet.

Can you date a 9 year old?

NO. A 9 year old is too young to date.

Can a 9 year old kiss a 9 year old boy?

if you want to. its not illegal

Can a 10 year girl get pregnet?

as long as she is having periods yes she can get pregant

Is 9 years old ok for reading twilight?

I think that a 9-year old can read Twilight. However, Breaking Dawn is a bit inappropriate for a 9-year-old. I think that a 9-year old can read Twilight. However, Breaking Dawn is a bit inappropriate for a 9-year-old.