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Yes, in fact it should be recommended as COPD patients are at risk for thrombotic events and aspirin can help prevent this.

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I hope so cause i just did ._.

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Q: Can asthma patients take aspirin
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Should patients who have allergic reactions to aspirin take NSAIDs?

Patients who have allergic reactions to aspirin should not be treated with NSAIDs

Can I take naproxen with asthma?

Most people do not have trouble with taking NSAIDS even if they do have asthma. If your asthma is very severe and not controlled well with medication, you should check with your doctor before you take any over the counter medicines. As many as 20% of people with severe allergies and asthma can be allergic to aspirin and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. If you are one of them, taking naproxen or aspirin might trigger a really severe asthma attack.

Is Aspirin compatible with AIDS?

Aspirin can increase the risk of bleeding in these patients

What is the preparation for a lobectomy?

Patients should not take aspirin or ibuprofen for seven to 10 days before surgery.

Why do doctors prescibe aspirin for dizzy patients?

for trauma

Are migraines and asthma related?

Migraine patients and asthma patients have been shown to frequently be deficient in magnesium. Magnesium is used in a hospital setting to treat both conditions.

What are Asthma patients suffering from?

Asthma patients suffer from lack of air into the lungs. Persons suffering with asthma often have shortness of breath, will wheeze and have tightness in their chest. They would often carry a puffer to relieve symptoms and help them breathe better.

How many asthma patients are children?

Nearly one-third on the 17 to 26 million Americans with asthma are children

Are Angioplasty patients given anticoagulants?

The patient is usually instructed to take aspirin or another blood-thinning medication for several days before the procedure. Aspirin can help decrease the possibility of blood clots forming at the stent.

Why do coronary stent patients have to take medications?

Taking medications as prescribed. Aspirin and other heart medications may be prescribed, and the patient may need to take these medications for life.

Do spray deorderant cause asthma?

Yes they are a cause of its increase in patients.