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You would need to speak with your parish priest about this right away. Last Rites used to refer toConfession, Holy Communion, Extreme Unction, and the Apostolic Blessing, all given right before death; it is no longer referred to as "Last Rites", although it remains a convenient short hand term for this (Extreme Unction is now called the Sacrament of Anointing). Normally, a person married outside the Church, who has not previously attempted to regularize the situation so that he would be in communion with the Church would not be considered a candidate for these sacraments, but, again, you need to speak with your local priest, the sooner the better.

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Yes, they may be present but only the priest and patient may be present if confession is part of the ritual.

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Q: Can a Catholic not married in Church receive the Last Rites of the Church?
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