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Q: Can a Church of Christ deacon perform weddings in Alabama?
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Can a Mormon perform a marriage in Scotland?

Bishops of the church are considered ordained ministers and are therefore able to perform civil weddings in Scotland. The church has no temple in Scotland at the present time.

Where can a priest perform a wedding?

Where priests normally perform their sacramental functions- a church. The church has always frowned on novelty or unorthodox weddings- such as in parks, indeed out of doors ( one can always take pictures of wedding parties in a park- why not) - but the ceremony is a Sacred one- best done- In a Church. in other words In-House (Of God). Church weddings- a sacrament ( matrimony) are performed and celebrated in a Church!

What is Mormon population in Alabama?

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (the "Mormon" church) reported 36,255 baptized members living in Alabama as of January 1, 2014.

Why do weddings takes place in a church?

So the couple getting married can be in front of Jesus Christ and say there vows and prayers in fron of him

Will the catholic church allow a priest to perform a religious union without the legal marriage?

NO, all weddings require a legal marriage license from the state.

Can a Lutheran pastor perform a wedding ceremony outside of a church?

As for ELCA (Evangelical Lutheran Church in America) pastors, yes, they can perform wedding ceremonies outside of the church building. They cannot perform ceremonies outside of the church without God being present in the ceremony, but the location is not a problem. Pastors of the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod (LCMS) and of the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod (WELS) can also perform wedding ceremonies outside of church buildings since people, and not buildings, are what make up the Church. However, they will not perform weddings in church buildings of denominations different from their own. Also, WELS pastors should not officiate at weddings in which they would share officiating duties with clergy from other denominations and faiths. Most LCMS pastors will decide dual faith/denomination ceremonies on an individual basis.

There were 684 weddings at a church in one year one ninth of the weddings were in June how many weddings in June?


Where do christian weddings take place?

In the church

Who are united as Christ is with the church?

They are in communion because Christ is the head of his church while the church his body. The spouse of Christ is the church.

Where did the hatfields and mccoys attend church?

The church of Christ

A person who escorts to their seats in weddings and church?

an usher

What is the wedding room in a church?

its where weddings take place