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Q: Can a Jack Russell eat eat garlic bread?
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Why do you think garlic bread is called a starter?

garlic bread can be a starter .... like i eat my garlic bread wait... im think of sides.... but yes it can be used as a starter... i think.... depends on what your doing...

Can you REFRIGERATE frozen garlic bread?

Yes it is safe to eat for about two or three days.

Is there fat in garlic bread?

Yes there is because garlic and bread carry grams of fat so it probably isn't a smart idea to eat that if you are over weight.

How did the vampire died?

pizza hut (eat to much garlic bread)

What do Italians eat and why?

Pizza, pasta, tomatoes, fresh basil, rice, bread, ice cream, garlic bread

What is the least appropriate thing to eat for breakfast?

Garlic bread Bollocks, what kind of answer is that???

Can a Jack Russell dog have crisps?

no. stay away from the salty products for dogs

How many weight watcher points in garlic bread?

Texas toast garlic Bread is only3pts per slice. Be careful it's hard to only eat o\ne slice

What are some foods that Italians eat?

raviole,pasta, pizza,garlic bread,spagetti,venison

What did rich Greeks eat for dinner?

Bread, olive oil, garlic, fish or chicken, vegetables, fruit.

What can a manbearpig eat?

Well, scientists discovered that a manbearpig is also human so it has the same craving, it mostly is addicted to cheetos and garlic bread, and allergic to hamburger buns, but he can eat normal bread.

Is it safe to eat cut garlic that turned green?

It's not bad, but some people get indigestion when there is green. (I prefer when there is no sprout at all on the inside) Sometimes the same clove will have pieces that have green and others that don't.