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Check Maine State laws about emancipation

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Q: Can a Maine parent put her 16 yr old child in foster care after he has ran away from home Maine rights for parents?
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What are the licensing rules for foster parents?

can a foster parent have a medical marijuana license in Maine

Can you get a tatto in Maine with a parents signature?

yes, if you are under the age of 18-all you need is a parent's consent. :]

Can a 17-year-old move out of their parent's home before they turn 18-year-old in state of Maine?

No, the age of majority is 18 in Maine, not 17. Until then the parents are responsible for the minor.

How do you give up parental rights in Maine?

In general, parental rights are terminated either preparatory to an adoption, or after a trial in which it is determined that the parent is unfit. In any case, termination of parental rights does not, in itself, terminate child support.

Which famous civil right leaders came from Maine?

Gerald Talbot was a famous civil rights leader from Maine. He attended the civil rights march on Washington, DC in August, 1963, as the leader of the Maine Civil Rights movement.

Where did Ellen G. White's parents come from?


Does Paget Brewster's parents live in Maine?

It appears so. In a 2009 episode of the Late Show with Conan, Paget mentioned that she spent a week of her hiatus visiting her parents in Maine.

What is the drop out age for a Maine student with and without parent consent?

age to dropout is 17 portland me

Can I move out of my parents house if I'm 17 and pregnant in Maine?

No you have to be 18.

Can a foster child who is 16 decide to move back home in Maine?

Only if the court allows you to. As a minor you are not allowed to decide for yourself.

Are there laws on running away in Maine?

There are laws in the state of Maine for running away. It is illegal for to run away from home before you are 18 years of age or without your parent's consent.

Can a 17 year old from Michigan move to Maine?

With their parent's permission. Otherwise they will have to wait until they are an adult.