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it is a sacred bond between a man and a woman and you should always try to work out your problems....God should always be a part of your marriage. Divorce isn't looked upon kindly, but you would never get banned or treated poorly for being divorced, they just want you to work things out before you give up.

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There is no reason why a Seventh-day Adventist can not marry on the Sabbath. However it is usually discouraged, both because the Sabbath is frequently filled with other activities centred on the church - so if the church had to be decorated and used for the wedding those other activities would have to be suspended, and also because a wedding usually involves activities that are considered incompatible with Sabbath observance. The bride wants to have her hair dressed, last minute arrangements have to be made for cars, the reception, the cake, the photographer, and so on, all of which would detract from the peace and the communion with God that is the essence of Sabbath-keeping.

However if there is some reason why no other day is suitable, there is no law in The Bible or in church rules which would forbid a wedding on the Sabbath.

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13y ago

While some conservative Adventists may wish to have a list of dos and don'ts for the Sabbath, the Church itself does not really have such a list. For the most part the determinations of what is right to do on the Sabbath is an individual choice between the individual and God. Most Adventists do not do their normal business such as work (with some exceptions) or shopping etc. on Sabbath. As for birthday parties--I would say that most family type birthdays parties would be acceptable to the majority of Adventists. I know having been raised SDA it was never an issue. Weddings would be the same. Adventists usually do not dance or drink but I know I have attending weddings on Sabbath that I feel very comfortable attending. The "Church service" would never be a problem. The reception afterward may cause some pause depending on the type of reception etc.

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Yes you can

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Q: Can a Seventh-day Adventist attend weddings and birthdays on the Sabbath?
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Can a Seventh Day Adventist celebrate a birthday on Sabbath?

In keeping with observance of the Holy Sabbath day, secular activities, to include birthday parties are discouraged. There are occasions when we may recognize birthdays, anniversaries, baby births, and etc. at church on Sabbath. During the fellowship meal, we may have a cake or the like to honor those from a public standpoint, but this in no way denotes a secular activity. -Pastor Michael A.D. Smith

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Jewish weddings are normally not performed on the Sabbath. (Many are performed on Saturday night or Sunday, explicitly because many forms of work cannot be done on Shabbat.)

Can a Seventh-day Adventist have a reception on the Sabbath?

I have asked myself this question also, and have come to the conclusion through study and family guidance that, as a Seventh-day Adventist, a reception would not be advisable on the Sabbath, because the things that people do during receptions such as dancing and celebrating the couple and worldly traditions are not really Sabbath activities, and because the focus is not on God.

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well of course you can but you probably should not, since it breaks the Sabbath

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That would probably be the weekly Sabbath School and Worship on Sabbath, and the weekly prayer meetings. Or maybe the answer you are looking for is Communion (foot-washing, unleavened bread, and unfermented wine--usually held quarterly) and Baptism. Other ceremonies that happen from time to time include weddings and ordination of new pastors, elders, and deacons

What is A Sabbath School?

Sabbath school is where you go before church starts and learn more one-on-one things about God and the religion. (POV from a Seventh Day Adventist) Sabbath school may be different in the Jewish religion.

Can an adventist take a college class healthcare training during the sabbath hours the class is 9 weeks long?

well of course you can but you probably should not, since it breaks the Sabbath

Is the Seventh-day Adventist Church a Christian church?

Yes, it is a Christian denomination based on the Bible. Their sabbath is on Saturday.

Is seventh day adventist Christian?

The Seventh-day Adventist Church is a Bible-based Christian denomination which is distinguished by its observance of Saturday as the Sabbath, and by its emphasis on the imminent Second Coming (the Advent) of Jesus Christ.

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The Seventh Day Adventist church is a Protestant Christian denomination who observe the original Sabbath day which is Saturday and not Sunday. They preach many of the same things as other Christians.

What special rites do the Jews participate in?

Sabbath, festivals and festive meals, prayers, religious ceremonies such as weddings and bar mitzvas.

What time does sabbath end today for seven today adventist?

The simple answer is that the Sabbath ends on Saturday evening when the sun slips beyond the horizon and you can no longer see it. That is, the Sabbath starts at sundown on Friday and ends at sundown on Saturday. (See for example, Leviticus 23:32 and Mark 1:32.)