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Yes, however an Ukrainian catholic priest cannot be married after he is ordained. So they have to get married before. More info the Ukrainian catholic religion:

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11y ago

There are two separate Ukrainian Churches, the Ukrainian Uniate Church, and the Ukrainian Orthodox Church. All Uniate Churches are still in union with Rome, it is the Orthodox who left the Church in the twelve century. Uniate priests may be married before they are ordained, but all Catholic priests, regardless of their Rite, take a vow of celibacy, and may not marry after Ordination. Short answer? There may be married Ukrainian Catholic priests, but no Ukrainian Catholic priest may marry.

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Whether his first wife dies or divorces him, a Ukrainian Catholic Priest, or any other married Eastern Catholic priest may not remarry. If they choose to do so, they ordinarily forfeit their ministry.

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Why are Ukrainian Priests allowed to marry?

No priests are allowed to marry. However, it is only in the Latin Rite of the Catholic Church that, ordinarily, married men are not ordained, in the other rites we do ordain married men. There are some exceptions in the Latin Rite, we do ordain permanent deacons who are married, and clergymen from other religions, think Episcopal or Anglican, who come into the Church and wish to be ordained, but no, no priests, Ukrainian or otherwise are permitted to marry, they all take a vow of celibacy before ordination.

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priests should not be allowed to marry lol trevor rige taylor

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Episcopal priests are allowed to marry; I have no problem with that. Perhaps the Catholic Church could allow some priests to marry--I'm not convinced that it is a bad thing. I don't make these decisions, however.

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In the Roman Catholic Church, it is required that a priest be celibate. This is to keep the priest from being distracted from doing God's will as a priest. However, if an Anglican or Orthodox priest who is married converts to Catholicism he is able to become a Catholic priest and keep his wife. In the Eastern Catholic Church though, the priests are allowed to marry though. Lutheran and Episcopalian Priests are allowed to marry as well.

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