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Each and every bird is unique and some are more violent than others. Introduce them a couple of times first and monitor their behavior together. If either of them show aggression, separate them immediately, and do not allow them to live together. If they get along or tolerate each other after a few weeks, then thy can be allowed to live together with continued monitoring to make sure they don't turn on each other when forced to share space. If the baby in question is a chick, then it must live in an incubator or in a nest box with a pair of attentive parents until it is old enough to live in a cage. Some birds will play foster, but some will not, so don't count on it.

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13y ago
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13y ago

Yes but they will bond to each other and not to you so they won't like being held

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14y ago

Yes, but cockatiels are just like humans, sometimes they get on with each other, sometimes not.

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12y ago


Be sure to keep a close eye on them because all birds have unique personalities. Like people, they might not get along.

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Q: Can cockatiel and a budgie in the same cage?
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Would a budgie and a cockatiel do well together w?

A budgie and a cockatiel are all right together in an aviary. It would be better for them to not be together in a small, indoor cage.

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A budgie and a parakeet are the same thing.

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No, the Grey will kill the budgie.

What is the bite force of a cockatiel?

About twice as hard as a Budgie.

Is it normal for budgies and cockatiels to share the same nest box and be in there at the same time?

It is not a good idea. If you provide a larger nesting box for the cockatiel and a small one for the budgie, there should be no problem. If the budgie has already claimed the larger nesting box as her own, you will never train her to leave, and will need to buy another large box for the cockatiel.

What is the best cage for your lovebird?

The best cage is a small budgie cage.

Where is the Cheapest place you can get a budgie cage because my budgie is getting to big.?

your local cage and Avery magazine for a start, try joining a local budgie society if your budgie is that big you might win one, try dropping a hint.

Will a budgie bite a hamster if they are in the same cage?

Umm..... yeah and that's really not the brightest idea Friend.

What discomforts a budgie?

you discomfrt a budgie by taking it out of its cage you should let it come out it self

Does a old macaw cage make a good cockatiel cage?

The spaces between the bars are probably too wide for a cockatiel. It would be able to get through them.

Can you put a cockatiel and a peach face lovebird in the same cage?

should be able to since they are both hook beacks

Can a princess parrot and budgie share same cage happily?

Well, a parrot is a big bird and a budgie is small, it would be better if you got a smaller bird to go in the same cage.. you never know what the parrot will do to the budgie so you dont want to take the risk of your budgie getting hurt.. I have a budgie and i was thinking about getting a bigger bird but who ever i have asked had said choose a smaller bird or have the 2 birds in different cages.. Im not sure how big a princess parrot is best of luck to you!