


Cockatiels are a small member of the cockatoo family. They are the second most commonly kept pet bird.

435 Questions

What are two substances that can be mixed to neutralized each other?

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Acid and base can be mixed to neutralize each other as they react and form water and a salt, which results in a neutral solution. Another example is mixing baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) with vinegar (acetic acid), which produces carbon dioxide gas and water, leading to neutralization.

What animals eat cockatiels?

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MY bird disappeared and the only thing i think it was is a unicorn. Right when it dissapered i saw a unicorn fly aways on a rainbow. TRUE STUFF.

What to do for a cockatiel after his mate died?

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This is a very sad time. What to do next depends on different beliefs. Most people prefer to bury their beloved pets in the garden, much like how we bury people after they die.

If this is not what you want, veterinary practices offer to incinerate deceased pets for a small charge or alternatively, they can be placed in a bin.

If you have another pet that was close to the deceased pet, it is important to pay special attention as animals mourn just like people and can end up pining or becoming ill at the loss of their friend/mate. It is often best to introduce a new friend to stop the living pet becoming lonely or rehoming it somewhere where it can be with other birds.

Always take care when introducing a new pet, however, as it can sometimes go wrong and animals can reject each other, sometimes with quite violent consequences.

How do you know when your cocktiel bird needs to lay eggs?

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Try looking in its nest, but don't touch it.

How does a cockatiel age?

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Asked by Animalnut

It varies from bird to bird but after a year the bird should have reached maturity.

Are male or female cockatiels better?

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It depends on your preferences. If you prefer a quieter bird and don't mind if they won't talk or whistle, female is the way to go. If you don't mind occasional hard bites and is willing to take on a talking and whistling bird, male is better.

Can cockatiels burp?

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If you mean puff up, yes. They won't explode, though.

Where does a cockatiel fit in the food chain?

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Where in the food chain does a toucan belong and why?

Info about cockatiels egg?

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86% of the time a cockatiel's eggs aren't fertile. The cockatiel lays them if it is in love with you. If it lays them you have a problem, and it's called being egg bound. If an egg gets stuck, then your beloved bird will die.

How long does a grey cockatiel live for?

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On average, cockatiels live 15 - 20 years. With poor care, such as uncleaned cages, unrestricted breeding, and poor feeding the lifespan is only 1-5 years. With excellent care, they can live 25 years.

Can you keep a cockatiel in a parakeet cage?

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Parakeet cages are generally very small, so I wouldn't recommend it. A rule of thumb is that a bird must have a large enough cage to be able to fully spread his wings, and it must be deep enough so that the bird's tail isn't damaged. Unless the parakeet cage in question is fairly large, then it should be fine. Also remember that the smaller of a cage you buy for your cockatiel, the more out-of-cage time you should provide him.

Your cockatiels bird lays eggs but never hatch but you dont know why?

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First of all determine if the egg could be fertile. (like if there is a male and female together) Cockatiels are notorious for excessive egg laying. Make sure she is getting plenty of calcium. (Either a cuttlebone, grit, or something along those lines. keep her in an area that has more activity. Those are just a couple suggestions to get you started.

How old should a cockatiel be before you handle it?

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Answer I agree that you should tame then when they are just weaned because when you take them out at birth they have to be fed every 2 hours by you which takes up alot of your timeIf you mean have it as a pet, than 4 months, but as a breeder, you can handle from the moment the mom lets you. Dpn't quote me on that though. ask experts. AnswerIt is best to handle a cockatiel when it is weaned (can live and feed on its own). Otherwise, before that, it is slightly too young for any training. But if you just want to raise it, you can start whenever. If the cockatiel is too old, it most probably has picked up both good and bad habits. When it is (just) weaned, it is still free from any habits and at the same time, not too young to train. Answersince it is born AnswerThey can' be handled as soon as they are hatched, even to hand feeding them, it will help them bond with people


I've got 3 chicks now. Handle them as soon as the parents let you. I change the nest box every day and interact with them, hold them and talk to them. Although I let the parents feedthem , they have gotten used of being handled and interacting with me. Love them...Good luck.

How do you tell if a cockatiel has a broken leg?

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first of all what has he done to his leg? If it is seriou, he needs to see a vet. A vet will probably prescribe him with some painkillers. Just make you pamper him and when you are cuddling him, stroke his leg and see how much it seems to be hirting him. He might just need a bit of TCL! Our COCKATIEL WAS FINE AFTER A BIT OF FUSS!

What to feed a cockateil?

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What you feed a cockateil is bird food. Go into your local petstore and purchase a bag that says Cockatiel or Parakeet food. Cockatiels can also eat vegetables such as lettuce, and fruits like apples as a treat occasionally.

What is the taxonomy of a cockatiel?

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Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Chordata

Class: Aves

Order: Psittaciformes

Family: Calyptorhynchinae

And finally, the binomial name.

Genus: Nymphicus

Species: hollandicus

Can you leave your cockatiel alone for a week?

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Its not really a good idea. Even if you leave enough feed and water you never know what will happen. The seed could get knocked down and then its water dumped on it rendering it inedible. Even if all went well the cage will be filthy and that is simply not a healthy situation. Your bird might sort out how to open the cage doors, yes it has happened, then your bird has free reign. Who will cover the cage at night? What if they get sick and need a vet?

Birds are like small children; you never know what will pop into their heads to do next. You wouldn't leave a small child home alone for a week with lots of food and liquid available would you?

Get a friend to come in at least once a day to look after your fid, board them at a pet store or vet, contact a dog walking/house sitting service to see if they will come and see your friend.

Do not leave them alone for an extended time.

What are facts about on Cockatiels?

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They are very playful birds. Most of them have orange cheeks, except for albino cockatiels. Albino cokcatiels have all white feathers and red eyes. The most common cockatiel is the common grey, which is grey except for its cheeks(orange), wings(the bottom part is white), sometimes heads(if male, yellow-whitish), and the tail(if female, will have yellow stripes across the bottom.

What do cockatiels smell like?

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Yes, most birds have the ability to smell. However, only a few birds have really good olfactory glands. Cockatiels are not one of these. So yes, but not very much.

Do budgie and cockatiels get along?

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Cockatiels and budgies can get along perfectly together if given enough space. You need to make sure their cage is big enough or else they may fight which is bad news for the budgie!

Cockatiels are very docile and sedate, Budgies are quite aggressive , and will terrorize Cockatiels, it has nothing to do with size, they should have separate cages, no parrot species should ever be mixed.

What is cockatiels climate like?

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they really like worm weather. they dont really like the rain that much. they really like worm weather. they dont really like the rain that much.

Do cockatiels mate for life?

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Yes. Generally, most macaws are monogamous and mate for life. This is why pet macaws tend to form a special bond with one person. If they outlive that person or if they are re-homed to somebody else, they are simply devastated.

Will the parent cockatiel have anything to do with the young cockatiel if i touch the young cockatiel?

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the parent cockatiels will protect their youngster no matter what is in their way

they will even die to protect their baby[s]

It is inadvisable to touch a very young cockatiel. Sometimes the parent bird will reject the young chick if it has been touched by humans. Wait until the bird is a young fledgling, as this is a safer time.