

Bird Behavior

Is your budgie not as bouncy as he used to be? Does your canary need singing lessons? Check out the reasons birds do what they do in this category. Questions and answers about Avian antics are available in this area.

789 Questions

Are Roadrunners migratory?

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Roadrunners are non-migratory birds, usually staying in the same general area year-round. They may move around in search of food or water, but they do not follow traditional migration patterns like some other bird species.

Do sparrows like the snow?

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Sparrows love the snow because they can live and thrive through it and it is also because that is where they are used to .. (the cold and snowy rates that its home is in) .. but the only problem is that it would be hard for them to get food to eat and store away because sparrows mostly eat bugs and insects and they normally only come out when the temperature is warm .. not cold .. like winter is and this is why they would fly over to warmer countries such as Africa and other counties in the south where it is warmer than its natual habitat, so that it would be able to forage for food.

Tell you in one word the sound a parrot makes?

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Lineolated parakeet : "prrreeprrreeprrree"


Macaw : see cockatoo

Ringneck : "raaaaaaaw"

Quaker parrot : "AAAWK"

What do you call this bird flying about 37000 feet?

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At 37,000 feet, the bird is likely a High-flying bird such as bar-headed geese or Rüppell's griffon vulture.

What is sustained flight?

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Sustained flight is the ability of an aircraft to remain in the air for an extended period without losing altitude. It requires a balance between lift, thrust, weight, and drag to keep the aircraft airborne. Achieving sustained flight is essential for aircraft to travel long distances efficiently.

What are two substances that can be mixed to neutralized each other?

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Acid and base can be mixed to neutralize each other as they react and form water and a salt, which results in a neutral solution. Another example is mixing baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) with vinegar (acetic acid), which produces carbon dioxide gas and water, leading to neutralization.

Is it normal that a parakeet eats newspaper on the bottom of their cage i give them bird ssed every day too.and they still eat it.i dont know if they are trying to make a nest.please help?

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Parakeets eating paper may be due to boredom or a dietary deficiency. Providing a variety of toys and activities can help keep them entertained. Make sure they have access to a proper diet and consult with a veterinarian if you're concerned about their behavior.

Do parrots need gravel like parakeets do?

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Parrots, like parakeets, don't necessarily need gravel. However, providing a substrate like sand or grit can aid in digestion by helping grind down food in their gizzards. It's essential to research specific species requirements as they vary.

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How do you tell if a bird is mad or happy?

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usually the bird would not cherp if mad it will cherp all the time if happy

Where does the whipoorwill live?

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Eastern North America, from south Canada to Louisiana and Mississippi.

Why do birds fluff out their feathers on a windy day?

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The fluff out their feathers to keep themselves warm. Their feathers are like an instant blanket.

How many eggs do tufted titmouses lay?

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From 5 to 6 eggs. They are usually white or cream colored whit redish-brown spots

Your cockatiels are breeding but not laying eggs what is wrong?

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It is very common and natural for female birds to lay eggs at regular intervals even when they are not in the presence if a male. Removing the nest may help in slowing down egg production, but many birds will do this. I myself had female zebra finches that laid an egg at least every two weeks, and of course they never hatched because the eggs were infertile.

Do budgies like celery leaves?

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Yes budgies like greens including celery leaves. I fed my budgies dandelion leaves and lettuce.... and celery leaves....

What nuts can parakeets eat?

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Your pet parakeet thrives quite nicely on a properly balanced diet of fruits, vegetables pellets and seeds. However, every so often that birdie boy of yours feels like a nut. When he does, shell out a nutty treat from this nutritious list of parakeet favorites.

The Almond

The almond is one of the most nutritionally dense nuts available. Rich in vitamin E, minerals and antioxidants, the noble almond is loaded with more protein than eggs and scores relatively low in saturated fat content. You'll need to crack the shell of this nut slightly for your feathered friend, and then stand back as your boy starts digging out the nutritious nut meat hidden inside.

The Pistachio

This nut is as fun for your bird to eat as it is for you to say. The task of removing this nutritious, delicately-flavored nut from its shell will keep your busy boy occupied for hours on end. High in antioxidants, protein, carbohydrates and fiber, and low in calories, pistachios in moderate rations will help to keep your fine feathered friend lean, healthy and happy.

The Walnut

Loaded with heart-healthy monounsaturated fats, vitamin E, and omega 3 fatty acids, the walnut is a healthy treat your parakeet will be wild about. This is a tough nut to crack, so shell and chop up the walnut for your bird before serving. However, bird friend beware, this tasty, high-energy seed of the walnut tree contains some crazy calories, so easy does it on the portions.

The Pecan

Another tough nut to crack, the pecan must be opened and diced before your bird can enjoy it. Naturally low in sodium, high in protein and unsaturated fats, the pecan has no cholesterol, and is a good source of nutrients, like calcium, iron and magnesium. This nutty treat also is a good source of oleic acid, a fatty acid that can help to keep your parakeet pal's skin and feathers healthy and vibrant.

I hope that helped!

Is Sitting near heater is bad for health or not?

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Matter fact, its GREAT for you. As long as your flesh is warming in a stable and controlled heating environment, its safe! Keep things such as covers, clothes, rags, etc away from the heater though. Enjoy!

Why does my sun conure keep biting?

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The only reason that I can give you is that if it was not trained properly when it was young and sweet, it is now going through puberty and is like a disobedient teenager. It does not understand all of the commands that it is hearing.

Why do your budgies preen each other?

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They preen each other because they have deep affection for one another, or they're just really good friends and want to help each other out by preening " that hard spot".

Budgies must preen their feathers by gathering some oil from the gland at the base of their tail and running it down each feather. They can't preen their own head and cheek feathers. Mutual preening is shared by bonded pairs as well as cage mates.

What age will a budgie start to talk?

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I've heard the best time to start training budgies to talk is 4 months. although they can talk it does not mean they will talk (they will if they feel like it). good luck!

Will a father parakeet take care of the baby parakeets?

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yes! when the eggs are hatched the male will help the female feed the babies.

What does it mean when a budgie has lost his sense of balance?

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It means your budgie is ill and you need to take your bird to an avian veterinarian.

How do wrens keep warm?

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All birds are warm blooded.

Why is your parakeet ripping out its own feathers?

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Well, I'm guessing the bird is either bored, is sick, or some other reason. It may be reacting to stress. Has anything major happened around the house lately? Or maybe the bird is allergic to something. Have you started feeding your bird something new? Or it could be bored. Try adding a new toy to the cage. Remember, you should have 5 toys or so on hand and rotate a toy every week or so. After not seeing the bird for about five weeks for the time it's been in rotation or whatever, the toy seems like new to the bird.
The bird may be sick, have mites or a skin irritation. But anyways, I think you should take your bird to the vet no matter what. The vet might recommend a bird behaviorist. Keep trying different things till' he/she stops. Or the bird may never stop and become a plucker for the rest of his/her life. In that case, enjoy your feather plucker and don't sell her just because she doesn't have feathers.