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it is recommended that you do not feed geckos pinkies but they should be able to handle ONE every 1-2 months once they are 8-10 inches not including tail.

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Hi! Do NOT feed the baby gecko pinkys! this can cause them to suffocate.. The gecko needs its shoulders to be larger then the stomach width of the pinky in order to feed it to them.

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Q: How old do leopard geckos have to be to eat pinkies?
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How old do leopard geckos have to be to be away from their mother?

they are born without their mothers. The female gecko lays her eggs and leaves. In fact, Leopard geckos will eat baby leopard geckos if they see them. Leopard geckos are smart so baby leopard geckos are born already knowing what to do with no help from their mother. They usually never even see their mothers or male children of the mother may even reproduce with the mother.

What eats Leopard Geckos?

Leopard geckos are carnivorus. Young leopard geckos in captivity should eat small crickets and small meal worms and small tomato worms that are dusted in a vitimon supilment. Larger,older leopard geckos in captivity should eat larger crickets,mealworms, tomatoworms, and wax worms. Wax worms are a treat and should only be fed every couple weeks. Make sure to have a veriety avaible to the geckos. Many owners feed pregnant females pinkies (new born mice). I do not recomend because leopard geckos in the wild do not eat pinkies. you can also feed large leopard geckos super worms,as long as you crush there heads so their almost dead by the time your Leo eats them. if they are not dead they can possibly eat their way out o the stomach

How fast do leopard geckos grow?

Leopard Geckos can reach adult maturity around 8 months old, and reach sexual maturity 8 months as well.

Are leopard geckos dangerous to kid 12 years old?

no they are not poisonous and are docile but just make sure the gecko inst sick leopard geckos can carry salmonella and other diseases.

How old do female leopard geckos live to be?

If properly cared for, any Leopard Gecko can live up to 20 years.

What do fat tailed gecko's tails do?

I assume you mean Leopard geckos, they eat crickets (preferably half the size of there heads) and meal worms as a normal diet dusted with calcium, crickets are the better choice for nutrients. For a wight gain you can feed them pinkies (mice of a few days old) and wax worms however they love wax worms and prefer them and usually will refuse to eat meal worms after as they are not as nice. :)

How long do wild leopard geckos live?

On average, the leopard gecko will live 5-10 years in the wild due to predators but in captivity, the oldest recorded leopard gecko lived to be 27 years old. Youtube "dink the leopard gecko"

Do frogs have to eat bugs?

Depends on the size of the frog. Most eat bugs, but some eat pinkies! (One day old mice) Frogs are strictly carnivorous. They do NOT eat plants!!!

How old does a water dragon have to be to be able to eat fish and pinkies?

Maybe when the fish or pinkie can fit between the space of there eyes

Can you sell leopard geckos?

Yes You can sell leopard geckos oviously! But it's quite hard as not many pet shops will take them and its hard to find friends that are prepared to care for them :) If they are babys you have more chance of selling them to the shops if they are sexually mature you have more chance of selling them to breeders and if they are old, well no ones gona want them.

What do leopard geckos eat?

A leopard geckos diet will consist mostly of insects. Nutritional imbalances are common in leopard geckos, so it is important to provide a variety of bugs. Each bug has its own nutritional benefits. Here is a list of edible bugs: Commercial House Crickets Mealworms (they bite not recommended) Waxworms (very high in fat) Locusts Superworms Silkworms Black Field Crickets Cockroaches Pinkymice (mostly used for breeding females) A geckos food should never be wider than 1/2 the width of the geckos head and it should never be any longer than the geckos head. When feeding, always try to give more smaller prey items than less large ones, because the smaller the bug, the easier it is to digest. Well, they have a large selection really. If you're starting off with babies; small crickets, small (SMALL) chopped up veggies, (carrots best). That should be a baby geckos diet. The baby gecko might eat 3 times a day. Now if you have a "teen" gecko 12-16 months old to adult, larger crickets, (no veggies) try to dust the crickets w/ calcium (put a couple in a bag and shake around) 5 in the winter, 7and up in the summer. Mealworms, earth worms, wax worms, and any other type of larvae. Leopard geckos are an insectivorous species of gecko. These animals rely on a variety of live feeders such as: insects, variety of worms (larve stages of moths) and dubai roaches. All feeders should be gutloaded and coated with calcium prior to feeding.

How old can geckos live up to?

Geckos can live for up to 20+ years in captivity. These animals usually live 5-10 years in the wild.