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Q: Can a bedsore cause osteomyelitis
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To what other conditions can bedsores lead?

gangrene (tissue death); osteomyelitis (infection of the bone beneath the bedsore); sepsis (a poisoning of tissue or the whole body from bacterial infection); other localized or systemic infections

What is a bedsore ulcer?

Bedsores are skin injuries cause by a body remaining immobile in contact with a surface for long periods of time, such as when a person is bedridden can cannot move. A bedsore ulcer is when the bedsore injury penetrates the skin leaving an open wound.

What bone condition can be caused by melioidosis?

Chronic melioidosis may cause osteomyelitis.

How many word elements in osteomyelitis?


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Gluteal abscess secondary to bedsore definition?

Something that started out as a bedsore turned into an infected hole in a buttcheek.

Does osteomyelitis means bone abscess?

dose osteomyelitis means bone abscess?

Wht is osteomyelitis?

Osteomyelitis is a bone infection caused by bacteria or other germs.

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What is the prognosis for a patient with osteomyelitis?

With quick, appropriate treatment, only about 5% of all cases of acute osteomyelitis will eventually become chronic osteomyelitis. Patients with chronic osteomyelitis may require antibiotics periodically for the rest of their lives.

What is bacterial osteomyelitis?

Bacterial osteomyelitis-- An infection of the bone or bone marrow that is caused by a bacterium.

Is Osteomyelitis is a genetic disorder?

Osteomyelitis is classified as a bone infection and it is typically caused by bacteria. Genetics play some role in osteomyelitis, but it is unclear how much can be attributed to genetics.