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Yes, bicycle frames can undergo physical change. When metal bike frames get warm, the expand a little bit. It's not much, but they do, and this change is a physical one. All bike frames warm up just a little bit when we ride them. The frames flex just a tiny bit when we apply the stress of riding to them, and they will respond to the flexing by warning up, and the increases in temperature will cause the material to expand just a little bit. In metal frames, the metallic properties of the material from which the frame is made will undergo changes. Metals that flex or move while in use undergo what is called work hardening. The metallic crystal structure changes and smaller crystals form out of larger ones, and the metal becomes brittle. This is just one form of physical change that a bike frame can undergo.
A physical change of a bike from would be if it is bent or cut.

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A chemical change to a bike frame would be rusting. A physical change would be if the frame is cut or bent.

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Q: Can a bicycle frame undergo a physical change?
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Is a rusting bicycle a physical or chemical change?

It's not the rusty bike it's the rusting of the bike. rust forms in a process called oxidation, or when iron comes in contact with oxygen. Also one reason you can tell it's a chemical change is when you can't reverse the process. Or when it involves changing the chemical compound.

What did Isaac R Johnson invent?

telescopeHe did not invent the telescope. He held a patent (Oct 1899) on improvements to the bicycle frame, specifically to allow it to come apart for storage. I do not know if he held any patents for improvements to the telescope.

Is a tree a shell structure?

FRAME STRUCTURESFrame structures are structures that are made up of rigid (stiff, firm, difficult to bend) parts joined together to form something called a framework. These parts are known as members. There are lots of examples of frame structures such as a bridge - a bridge is a frame structure that spans a gap, and a bicycle is a frame structure that supports a load such as the mass of a person.SHELL STRUCTURESShell structures contain or protect things from the outside and are usually hollow inside. In a shell structure, the outside layer of the structure holds the whole object together. Examples of shell structures are the mug that holds your coffee, the snail shell which both protects and contains the snail, honeycomb which contains and protects bee's honey and shells of nuts.

What is a balloon frame?

A balloon frame is a house frame constructed entirely of small timber.

Motion relative to observers frame of?

Motion is relative to an observer's frame of Reference.

Related questions

Can a bicycle frame have a chemical change?

Sure. A steel frame that begins to rust will be undergoing a chemical change.

Is a rusting bicycle a physical or chemical change?

It's not the rusty bike it's the rusting of the bike. rust forms in a process called oxidation, or when iron comes in contact with oxygen. Also one reason you can tell it's a chemical change is when you can't reverse the process. Or when it involves changing the chemical compound.

What problems does the bicycle frame solve?

Well, you need a structure to stick the rider on, and the wheels and parts in, and that's what the bicycle frame provides.

What is the price for an aluminum bicycle frame?

From $100 to $2000, depending on the frame.

Bicycle frame adujustment for riding?

You can't adjust a frame

Corrosion of bicycle frame?

That'd be a chemical change, as steel/iron turns into iron oxide. Usually called rusting, or corroding.

What is a wheelie on a skateboard called?

A bicycle. A bicycle with the wheels removed, but everything else it needs attached, is a frame set with gruppo. And just the frame and fork make up a frame set.

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Who invented collapsible bicycle frame?

LR Johnson

How many frames are used for a bicycle?

The frame is the heart of the bicycle, and you only need one frame for one bike. Components can often be moved over to another frame, but unless that frame is exactly the same as the previous one this will make it a new bike.

What is a chemical change for a bicycle frame?

A chemical change for a bicycle frame would involve a reaction that changes the composition of the material making up the frame. For example, if the frame undergoes rusting due to exposure to oxygen and moisture, this would be a chemical change as the iron in the frame reacts with oxygen to form iron oxide.

What are the bicycle frame purposes?

The frame is needed to hold the different parts together to form a rideable vehicle.