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Q: Can a black mamba kill an adult or young elephant?
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What are the black mambas young's called?


Predator of black mamba snake?

The worst enemy of the black mamba snake are humans. a mongoose is the black mambas natural enemy because it it immune to the venom of the black mamba but they usually only hunt for mamba eggs and young snakes

How do black mambas rear their young?

They do not. A mother black mamba will guard her eggs, but after the eggs hatch the young must fend for themselves.

How long does it take baby chick to grow into an adult elephant?

A chick is a young bird! An elephant is a mammal. So unless 'magic' is involved, a chick will never grow into an adult elephant.

How long does it take for a baby elephant to turn into a young adult?

up too 2 years

When the black mamba has its babies produce does it leaves its young?

Yes, when the eggs hatch the babies are on there own, hunting and fending for themselves.

What animals eat black mamba?

Eagles and Vultures rarely.

What African elephant call their young?

Young elephant.

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What is a young elephant and pig called?

A young elephant is a calf, and a young pig is a piglet.

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The young elephant was 36 months old how old was the elephant?

4 years young...