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Q: Can a bleach injection kill you?
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Will chlorine bleach kill fungus?

Yes, chlorine bleach can kill fungus. It is an effective disinfectant that can be used to sanitize surfaces contaminated with mold and mildew. However, it is important to follow safety guidelines and properly dilute the bleach before using it.

Can you drink bleach to kill parasites?

Yes. are you kidding? drinking bleach will kill you!

How do you kill bleach?

bleach cannot be killed

Will bleach kill snakes?

it can be but pour a llot of bleach on it face

Will bleach kill aquarium germs?

Yes, bleach will kill the bacteria in your aquarium, but it will also kill everything else in the tank.

How much bleach can you drink to kill hpv?

Drinking bleach will not kill the papilloma virus, but if you drink enough it might kill you.

Does bleach kill gnats?

Yes, bleach kills...well...anything. So bleach would definitely kill gnats. As a matter of fact, we have a gnat problem right now >.< and we are spraying bleach on them to kill them. Hope this helped.

Does Ajax with bleach kill plants?

Yes, bleach is toxic.

Can bleach kill a turtle?

It kills them incredibly fast, they dissolve

Will bleach kill a groundhog?

If the groundhog drank it, it could kill it. Just getting it wet with bleach is not likely to do it.

What will kill you if swallowed?


Bleach kill algae?

Yes, bleach can be effective in killing algae in a water feature or swimming pool. It is important to use the proper concentration of bleach to avoid harming surrounding plants or animals. Additionally, be sure to follow safety guidelines when using bleach.